Just Presenting The Facts Dea

JUST PRESENTING THE FACTS Dear Doctor, we know that you… “Just present the facts.”

In “just presenting the facts” concerning abortion, will we find this to be an acceptable justification before God? Let us see.

Your House

Let us use the house where you and your family live as an example. Let us see if “just presenting the facts” will apply to where you live. The house you and your family dwell in is much like the womb that a child rests in. It is to be a place of safety and joy.

Now, suppose I knew that someone was going to invade that home and kill your wife and children in order to advance his income. Or suppose that it just was not in his timing to seek regular employment, so for now he was going to resort to killing and stealing. Suppose I knew that a friend near your house were going to invade your home to steal and kill.

Now since I had been the architect for your home, he came to me for advice. Indeed, I informed the friend as to what the best method was to invade your home since I had studied your house well, much like a doctor has studied the body well and knows the best method for entering that body. Should I advise the invader on the pros and cons of committing murder? That is:

*What methods are available today.

*What possible side effects there are. Not everyone gets caught, so just inform them of the percentages.

*That their decision will remain confidential even if I am are summoned to court. After all, my “morals” will not allow me to betray a confidence.

If I knew who the person was and did not make a zealous attempt to foil the plot – would anyone blame you for desiring to avenge yourself on me? CERTAINLY NOT!! Neither will you be able to blame God when He avenges Himself on your excuse. Just listen to what God has to say about those of you who think God will not do anything about your excuses of “just presenting the facts”.

“At that time I will search with lamps and punish those who are complacent, who think, ‘The Lord will do nothing either good or bad.'”

Zephaniah 1:12

Those of you who pride yourself on being neutral and just presenting the facts are just as guilty as those who actually perform the abortion. God pleads with each man to know Him and demands that justice be upheld, (Micah 6:8).

The Life in the Womb is God’s

Each of us belongs to God. We were made by Him. We are accountable to Him. We were made for Him. In Psalm 139:13-16 it says,

“For you created my inmost being: You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. ‘I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: my frame was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.”

The act of abortion is the same as aiming a gun at your head and committing murder! Were I to stand next to a person getting ready to kill you and only offer advice on how to murder you I would be MORE guilty than the murderer for I used the knowledge I had for evil! Wouldn’t I?

You must do all you can to stop the murder of God’s handiwork. They are His children and God intended you to use medicine to bless and work good. You must come to actively oppose abortion or be found more guilty than the abortionist.

“But if a man hates his neighbor and lies in wait for him, (waiting room?), assaults and kills him…the elders (leaders, lawyers, doctors) of his town shall send for him, bring him back from the city and hand him over to the avenger of blood to die. Show him no pity. You purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood.” Deuteronomy 19:11-13

Will you help “purge” from the land those who are “shedding innocent blood”? If not, what account will you give to God?

Steps You Can Take “Rescue those being led away to death.” Proverbs 24:11

  1. Allow us to place pamphlets in your waiting room.

*If you claim to be a Christian doctor this ought to be the least thing you are doing.

2. Refer them to us. *We will offer them all the help they need, whether it be spiritual or physical.

3. Counsel them to seek God and not to commit murder.

*If they want “just the facts” make them seek another doctor out!!

4. Come to know God yourself. *It is hard to offer others life when you yourself do not know the author of life. *This doesn’t mean you become religious or call yourself a “Christian”! There is much to consider before you call yourself a follower of Jesus, (see Luke 14:25-35). *Lay aside your pride and ask to be taught about everlasting life.

Whatever you decide about your own relationship with God, please allow us the opportunity to offer others a real choice.


Murder or life rests on your shoulders and there is no way to excuse yourself…not now, nor in the future before the judgement seat of Christ. You must come to actively oppose abortion or be found guilty of killing Jesus Christ – the Mighty Son of God.

As Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did to me.” Matthew 25:40

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  • 8/N/1 24HRS *
  • (303) 680-7209 *
  • {PC Pursuit through Denver} *
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  • “For the time will come when men will *
  • put up with sound doctrine.” *
  • -2 Timothy 4:3 *
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  • P.O. BOX 460206 *
  • AURORA, COLORADO 80015 *
  • VOICE PHONE: (303) 690-0920 *
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