Later “LATER”

Have you ever seen a bargain at a sale, but waited until later to find that the item you wanted was no longer available?

Some people presume that they can put God off that way. Certainly, He will still be there tomorrow, but maybe you won’t be, or maybe by tomorrow your heart may be too hardened to respond.

If you are one who has told God, “I’ll wait ’til later,” then God’s Word has a warning for you:

“Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.” (Proverbs 27:1 NKJ)

You have no right to assume that you will even be alive tomorrow, or even an hour from now. God says to you, “NOW is the acceptable time, TODAY is the day of salvation.” (II Corinthians 6:2)

The Lord Jesus Christ became a human being, lived the only perfect life ever lived on earth, and became the only atoning sacrifice for sin.

“The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses every sin” for all those who put their trust in Him.

He rose from the dead to give you victory over every sin and bondage in your life, if you put your faith in Him.

The apostle Paul told the leaders of Athens about the Lord Jesus Christ, and His death and resurrection, and while addressing a city council meeting told them,

“God is now commanding all people everywhere to repent.”

Although you have the ABILITY to disobey the gospel, you do not have the RIGHT. Salvation is a COMMAND, and delaying for any reason is DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD.

For you, “tomorrow” may or may not come. Don’t put Him off. Take Jesus as your Savior and King and Friend today. NOW.

Start reading or listening to the New Testament. We recommend beginning in the Gospel of John.