Life In The Light Title: LIFE IN THE LIGHT Text: Hebrews 11-12 Tracing: Preached at PM service at SDCC on 5/13/90. Topic: Perseverance Theme: Our Advantages Over Old Testament Saints. Nutshell: ÿÿIf ÿthose biblical heroes in Hebrews 11 ÿwere faithful in ÿtheir state ÿof ÿcomparative ÿdarkness, ÿHOW MUCH MORE ought ÿwe ÿto ÿbe faithful who can see Christ!

Prim Goal :
Intnd Aud.:

Intro.: Last week we considered the life of Faith as a “Life in the Fog”, demonstrating how faith is a willingness to trust God where we cannot see – to a certain extent, we all have some fog in our lives and there will always be areas in which we must simply trust God — HOWEVER! It is also true that the fog is lifting! Much less is obscured in our day than in theirs – so HOW MUCH MORE should we also be faithful (practice Trusting Obedience)! Body: We are living in the light as compared to these Old Testament saints who lived in darkness. There is still room in our lives for genuine faith in God, trusting despite our inability to see, but we can see much more! We have more light in at least Four Respects: I. WE HAVE THEIR EXAMPLES! They demonstrate genuine faithfulness, worthy of imitation. They prove again and again God’s trustworthiness. They show God’s mercy at times of failure. Don’t minimize the Old Testament! Rom. 15:4 We are a “New Testament Church” as opposed to a “‘Modern’ Church” meaning that we seek to get away from the distortions and corruptions that 1900 years of human tradition, compromise, innovation, and misinterpretation have burdened the church with and return to the headwaters where the pure water is. Instead of listening to what John Q. Expert said about a particular doctrine, we want to know what scripture says! We do not mean that we are a “New Testament Church” to the neglect of the Old Testament! II. We See from Proximity! v. 13 These saints saw only from a distance, through the Holy Spirit and the prophets. They could see the shape but not the details. We see through History and the Newer Revelation. Our Redemption is complete except for the judgement. III. We Have a Landmark, a pioneer, an example – in Christ. 12:2 IV. We Have Suffered Less.  12:4 Conc.: Why should any 20th Century Christian ever turn away, ever shrink back? THERE IS NO EXCUSE!

Comments: Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!