- God the only source of # Jas 1:17
- Created by God # Ge 1:3 Isa 45:7
- Separated from darkness # Ge 1:4
- Sun, moon, and stars appointed to communicate to the earth # Ge 1:14-17 Jer 31:35
- DIVIDED INTO 5a) Natural
# Job 24:14 Isa 5:30
5b) Extraordinary or miraculous # Ex 14:20 Ps 78:14 Ac 9:3 12:7 5c) Artificial # Jer 25:10 Ac 16:29 6) Communicated to the body through the eye # Pr 15:30 Mt 6:22 7) DESCRIBED AS 7a) White and pure # Mt 17:2 7b) Bright # Job 37:21 7c) Shining # 2Sa 23:4 Job 41:18 7d) Diffusive # Job 25:3 36:30 7e) Useful and precious # Ec 2:13 7f) Agreeable # Ec 11:7 7g) Manifesting objects # Joh 3:20,21 Eph 5:13 8) The theory of, beyond man’s comprehension # Job 38:19,20,24 9) ILLUSTRATIVE OF 9a) Glory of God # Ps 104:2 1Ti 6:16 9b) Purity of God # 1Jo 1:5 9c) Wisdom of God # Da 2:22 9d) Guidance of God # Ps 27:1 36:9 9e) Favour of God # Ps 4:6 Isa 2:5 9f) Christ the source of all wisdom # Lu 2:32 Joh 1:4,9 8:12 12:46 9g) Glory of Christ # Ac 9:3,5 26:13 9h) Purity of Christ # Mt 17:2 9i) Word of God # Ps 119:105,130 2Pe 1:19 9j) Gospel # 2Co 4:4 1Pe 2:9 9k) Ministers # Mt 5:14 Joh 5:35 9l) Wise rulers # 2Sa 21:17 23:4 9m) The soul of man # Job 18:5,6 9n) Saints # Lu 16:8 Eph 5:8 Php 2:15 9o) Future glory of saints # Ps 97:11 Col 1:12 9p) The path of the just # Pr 4:18 9q) The glory of the church # Isa 60:1-3 9r) Whatever makes manifest # Joh 3:21 Eph 5:13