Like Lambs to the Slaughter

by Glen on 2003-01-26 00:10:28

[One of our readers writes:]

I read [Johanna Micaelson’s] book, like Lambs to the Slaughter and I continually brought these kind of activities to the attention of the school board in the California area. I was a letter writer in the newspaper and I have experienced God’s rooting it out where Christian’s will stand up and call it what it is. You note that teachers are amazed with what they can get away with. It is because of the ignorance or unwillingness of Christians to step in and say something. Sometimes all it takes is for one parent to go to the teacher and request that your child be removed if the teacher is going to conduct a certain activity and through prayer and guideance in how to handle it, you can shut down the whole program and save the whole class from being subjected to this eviel influence.

After exposing what was going on in [California] schools to many Christians an parents and letters to the Editor’s of local newpapers, I became a teacher’s aide in a Special Ed classroom. There I worked for a teacher who was a New Ager and was trying his best to get parts of his new found psychic type healing practices going in the classroom. He tried his best to try and connect with be, trying to make me believe we were talking about the same “GOD”. I took my job seriously. That was to pray and be there as a presence to prevent him from acting on his impulses. Just before the teacher left and went full fledge into his own private practice as a charlaton, I heard from a Mom of one of the children that had pulled out of the program. She said that when I would leave the room to run copies, everything would change. Her son felt like the teacher was trying to brainwash the kids and when I came back in, he would change the subject back, so that I would not know what he was doing. She thanked me for being there and saving her son from this influence. This mother wasn’t even a Christian yet felt the good and evil battle that was taking place. I took many of those kids to Young Life summer camps and even though the teacher had tried to make the children believe that he and I believed the same way, the kids knew. After the kids attended the Christian camp they told me that they thought that the teacher would be mad at me. I asked why they thought that. They said that we were opposites and did not at all believe the same way.

If you are willing to subject yourself, there is a whole mission field out there in the public schools and it is in driving the dark force back through prayer and being obediant to Christ’s leading.

By the way, I have always read the Christmas, Easter, Passover story in the public school. It is all about giving the history behind the holiday and as long as the BIBLE is in the school library it can be used. Most teachers are afraid to stand up and use it.

My children are all grown and doing well. I kept them in public schools and chose to do battle instead of back down. I am now getting my M.S. in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling through the EDUCATION DEPT. Believe me there is a whole new battle ground. I find I am standing up in every classroom on issues that are being pushed upon them as future teachers of our children. So many come up and say they agree with me but haven’t found the guts to buck what the teacher is trying to instill. We are light wherever we go and the darkness will not overcome the light.