We must learn through the Word, how to live in agreement with our spouses and our children. The power of harmony must be at work in our lives if we are to have successful marriages and Families. We must remember that WHATSOEVER we agree upon according to God’s word will come to pass. Do not allow STRIFE into your Home. Strife stops the power of God!! Learn a great truth: It is more important to avoid strife than to appear justified or to be “Right”, or to “Win” the argument. It is better to give than to receive, and the wisdom from above is peaceloving and easily entreated, willing to yield to reason. As a result of doing this you can enjoy one of the greatest blessings God has to offer – a Love ruled Home.
When you begin to order your life by the Love of God, you will find that the easiest place to remain in selfishness is in your own home with those dearest to you. It seems to be an incentive to operate in love before other people, but with your family you are tempted to allow yourself more selfish privileges as if selfishness did not really count at home. There is no barrier in the home to keep you from seeking your own except the Love of God. Before you even thought about living the love of God, you were probably more courteous and just nicer in many ways to friends and acquaintances than to your family. Without the Love of God you are a more demanding and less forgiving with the members of your own family than with anyone else. It does not make sense, but most of the times you will say things to those close to you that you would not dream of saying to other people. Discord or Disagreement in any relationship- Husband/wife, Parent/child, brother/sister- drops the shield of faith, stops prayer results, and invites Satan and his evil spirits into the midst of you. Where there is envying and strife there is confusion and every evil work! (James 3:16). Envy (Jealousy) and strife (Contention, rivalry and selfish ambition) are areas of darkness. Envy results in strife. Strife opens the door to every evil work and brings confusion. When you walk in strife, you walk in the wisdom of darkness. Your senses will dominate your spirit. Strife will stop you from perfecting the Love of God and will cause you to walk in the darkness instead of in the light of God’s wisdom. Strife is Deadly. It stops faith and paralyzes the power of God in your Life. The moment that you become aware of satan trying to move you into an area of strife, stop it immediately with the name of Jesus. Learn to resist strife just as you learned to resist sin. Stop Contention; it proceeds from Satan. The word says “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory” (Phil. 2:3). Obey God’s word and be free from Satan’s evil works.
Strife and Selfishness are a luxury that a Christian cannot afford even at home – ESPECIALLY at Home. If you allow Satan to stop you with strife at your own front door, you will be no threat to Him anywhere else. The Home is where strife is the deadliest, and the home is also the place where living the Love of God produces the greatest Joy and Blessing. YOUR HOME WILL BECOME A COPY OF HEAVEN ON EARTH WHEN IT IS LOVE-RULED BY THE WORD OF GOD.
A christian husband and wife who learn to live in agreementwithout strife- are mighty instruments of the Lord Jesus for Good. A Christian Father and Mother standing harmony and agreement where their children are concerned will see manifestations of the Word of God at work. The rewards of living in agreement are more than worth the effort it takes to walk in Love with each other.

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