LUKE xvi. 25. “But Abraham
said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy
good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is
comforted and thou art tormented.”
THE lesson is, the man who seeks enjoyment in this life
as his chief end must suffer in the next life, and he who
endures suffering in this life for righteousness’ sake shall
be happy in the next.
I. What are the good things which the rich man received
here for which he must be tormented hereafter.
1. The worldly man derives a more intense physical
enjoyment from this world’s goods than does the child of
God. In the past history of mankind the great positions
and the great incomes, as a general rule, have not been in
the hands of simple and penitent men. Besides, how often
does it happen that a fine physical constitution, health and
vigour, are given to the worldling and denied to the child
of God.
2. The worldly man derives more enjoyment from sin
and suffers less from it in this life than does the child of
God. The really renewed man cannot enjoy sin. The
days of a stupid and impenitent man glide by with no
twinges of conscience. But is it right, is it just that this
state of things should last for ever? Ought it not to be
II. The practical lessons which follow from this subject
are :—
1. No man can have his good things, in other words his
chief pleasures, in both worlds. God and this world are
in antagonism.
2. Every man must make his choice whether he will
have his good things now or hereafter.
3. It is the duty and wisdom of every man to let the
world go and to seek his good things hereafter.
William Graham, D.D. T. S.