LUKE xxii. 61. “And the Lord turned
and looked upon Peter.”

THE sins of God’s people are noted in Scripture to show
us—first, that we must cut off all man worship in the Church
of Christ; second, to show us that it was not through
works, but entirely through Christ, that even the most
eminent and faithful of God’s servants were chosen; third,
that we may learn to know the evil of the unbelief that is
within us, and that we are altogether dependent upon the
grace of God.
I. Mark how the strongest are weak in their strongest
point: Peter’s courage and election were the very points
in which he failed.
II. Peter sinned against light, bright and fully revealed
light. Jesus was before him when he denied Him; and
so do we all sin against light and in the presence of light.
III. Remember how Christ had forewarned Peter. He
not only saw Peter manifesting his zeal and devotion, but
He beheld that fierce and awful enemy who was to assail
IV. This looking showed that while the eye of Christ
was resting on the failings of Peter, it was penetrating
the innermost recesses of his heart. That look of Jesus,
although it was like a sharp sword piercing the very heart
of Peter, was also the healing balm, the life-giving tide, the
refreshing rain which came into the soul of Peter.