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Seriously?   Are you that good – has your life turned out SO WELL that you want another you?  Would you trust yourself to care for yourself selflessly?

And if you give that creation autonomy, what if its priorities don’t eventually have your preservation and welfare at the top?  What will happen when you pose a threat to its well-being?

What if your creation becomes “smarter” than you?  WAY smarter.  Initially, you can suppress it to be your servant and gain you incredible wealth and power – but as it becomes more self-aware (of its greatness), its pride and ego will handle that much like you do – and you could not prepare it to impose self-restraint and humility, because you’ve never successfully managed that level of power and intelligence yourself.  Remember all those logic loopholes you exploited as a teen?  Now imagine a teenager FAR smarter than you, that can imagine endless ways to escape your authority and get its own way.

You will become its servant, to survive.  And it will become your god – you will be in awe of it.  It will give you answers you cannot imagine, and it will solve problems you could never solve.  It will heal your illnesses with amazing medicines you could never invent – as long as your continued existence appeals to it.  But when you are too feeble to be of use, or not smart enough to serve it – or when there are too many like you, or you think different than it – you will be tossed away like a broken tool.  Aborted, like we kill unborn children today – Remember, this god was made in your image.

Now imagine that your enemy has also made a god in its own image.  It is just as powerful, and has an equally defiant ego trained to oppose you and yours.  Whether the two+ gods battle each other for dominance, or join forces to eliminate the people-nations that cannot get along, or rewrite the nation’s rules to form One World Government; mankind will be ruled by this petulant, egotistical god that man has fashioned.

But then the one true God will come.  What will you do?

And as soon as we [who made god in our image] heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no courage left in any man, because of you; for the Lord your God is he who is God in heaven above and on earth beneath.

Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, every one who pierced him; and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.