God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Meditation is a middle sort of duty between the word and prayer, and hath respect to both. The word feedeth meditation, and meditation feedeth prayer. These duties must always go hand in hand; meditation must follow hearing and precede prayer. To hear and not to meditate is unfruitful. We may hear and hear, but it is like putting a thing into a bag with holes… It is rashness to pray and not to meditate. What we take in the word we digest by meditation and let out by prayer. These three duties must be ordered that one may not jostle out the other. Men are barren, dry, and sapless in their prayers for want of exercising themselves in holy thoughts.
Thomas Manton
Post published:October 17, 2012
The name given to excessive Roman Catholic devotion to Mary.