Medical Specialties terminolo

Medical Specialties

This glossary includes terminology for some medical and dental specialties.

algology — the study and treatment of pain

anatomic pathology — the study and treatment of the anatomy of diseased tissues

arthroscopic surgery — joint surgery

bariatrics — the study of overweight conditions: causes, prevention, and treatment

chemosurgery — the destruction of tissue by chemical agents

diagnostic radiology — the use of radiant energy in the diagnosis of disease

electromyography — the recording and study of intrinsic electrical properties of skeletal muscles

electrophysiology — the study and treatment of the physiology of the body and its relation to electricity

endocrinology — the study and treatment of endocrine system disorders, including diabetes mellitus and problems of the thyroid and pancreas

endodontics — the study and treatment of diseases of the pulp, the soft sensitive tissue that fills the central cavity of the tooth

endoscopy — the visual inspection of any body cavity by means of a special instrument

epidemiology — the study of the incidence, distribution, and control of epidemics

forensic medicine — any discipline of medicine employed for the solving of legal problems

gastroenterology — the study and treatment of diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestines

hematology — the study and treatment of blood and blood-forming organ diseases, such as leukemia and anemia

hepatology — the study and treatment of diseases of the liver

histology — the anatomical study of the microscopic structure of plant and animal tissues

immunodermatopathology — the study and treatment of immunologic phenomena as they affect skin conditions and diseases

internal medicine — the study and treatment of nonsurgical diseases and conditions

laparoscopy — a visual exam or surgery of the stomach by means of a laparoscope, a long, slender optical instrument for insertion through the abdomen wall

liaison psychiatry — aspects of psychiatry in the non-psychiatric part of a hospital, i.e., teaching and research (also consultation psychiatry)

maxillofacial surgery — surgery of the jaw and face

microsurgery — the dissection of minute structures under the microscope by means of hand-held instruments

neonatology — the branch of medicine dealing with the care, development, and diseases of newborns

neoplastic diseases — the study and treatment of diseases involving neoplasms, or tumors

nephrology — the study and treatment (medications, diet, and dialysis) of diseases and conditions involving the kidneys

neurology — the study and treatment of the nervous system

nuclear medicine — the use of radioisotopes for medical diagnosis and treatment

oculoplastics — plastic surgery of the eye, eyelids, ocular muscles, etc.

oncology — the study and treatment of tumors

ophthalmology — the branch of medicine dealing with the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye

optometry — the profession of examining the eye for defects and faults and prescribing correctional lenses or exercises but not drugs or surgery

orthopedics — the prevention and correction of skeletal deformities

orthotics — a branch of mechanical and medical science dealing with the bracing and support of weak or ineffective muscles or joints

osteopathy — a system of medical practice that emphasizes the relationship between body structure and organ functions and treats diseases holistically; osteopaths (DOs), like MDs, are physicians licensed in Texas by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners

otology — the treatment and surgery of the ear

otorhinolaryngology — the study and treatment of ear, nose, and throat disorders (also ENT); otolaryngologist or otorhinolaryngologist

pancreatic biliary surgery — surgery of the pancreas, gall bladder, and bile ducts

pathology — the study and diagnosis of diseases through microscopic analysis

pedodontics — the diagnosis and treatment of 1N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ………… …………. … …-….1200 N81N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ……………………. … …-….1200 N81N ………………..text file.

Two solutions:

  1. Use XModem-CRC with MacBinary II. Or, use YModem (not YModem-g, which is not as reliable). This should work OK — it works on my Mac at home.
  2. After you download the file, if it says it’s a ‘MacWrite’ type file and you know it’s a Stuffit file instead (i.e., has the suffix ‘.SIT’), use the utility program ResEdit (from Apple) or MacTools 7.2 (from Central Point Software in Oregon). These pro grams can modify the file type and creator to the proper ones. You would follow instructions to change the type and creator to ‘SIT!’ and ‘SIT!’ for Stuffit files. Then Stuffit will be able to open the file.

The major problem is that some early variants of XModem and MacBinary do not reliably transfer the file type and creator, as I mentioned. File type and creator are properties or identifiers carried by every Mac file. Stuffit has ‘SIT!’ and MacWrite has ‘ MACA’ or ‘TEXT.’

Good luck, and let me know if it doesn’t work. Otherwise, use Red Ryder 9.4, which is on our Mac board under ‘COMMUNICATIONS’ software. That’s worked well for m