Everlasting thanks to Thee, Lord Jesus!
I need not first grow up in wickedness, and
then painfully return, with blemishes and
scars on my soul, to undo with sorrow what
has been done in sin. I need not learn to
neglect and hate Thee first, and then after-
wards to seek and love Thee. I may grow up
in piety, so as not to be able to remember a
time when I did not love Thee. From child-
hood I may wax strong in spirit, be filled
with wisdom, and have the grace of God
upon me.
Beautiful childhood, which is fashioned
after Thine own, Holy Child Jesus!
There is a foundation for all of God’s commands – His good character. For example: Why do we tell the truth? Because Jesus is the truth (Jn. 14:6) and Satan is the father of lies (Jn. 8:44). Why is marriage between one man and one woman? Because God created marriage to reflect and promote His marriage between Christ and His bride (the church) – (Eph. 5:32). The Christian life is not about keeping “outdated and arbitrary rules” (as portrayed by society). It’s not about “following my religion.” It’s about following a Person. We follow that Person by acting like Him. The commands in the Bible tell us how to act like God, as opposed to acting like those who oppose Him.
Randy Smith