Mormonism Salvation By Works
ÆÆ MORMONISM’S “SALVATION BY WORKS” vs. SALVATION BY GRACE THROUGH CHRIST The entire BIBLE points in all directions to the cross. Upon
it God’s only begotten Son died that we might have eternal life from God. Only through Christ can this separation be bridged.
On the other hand, MORMONISM points in all directions to the “Law of Eternal Progression”. We have seen that Mormon doctrine states that God was once a man. He progressed to become God. The same law states that man may become God!
Let’s go to the authorities of the church and hear what they have said, first on the subject of man’s pre-existence as a spirit in a “spirit world” prior to taking a body here on earth:
“Pre-existence is the term commonly used to describe the pre-mortal existence
of the spirit children of God the Father … All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother, and we are literally the sons and daughters of Deity; as spirits they were the offspring of celestial parentage … Unless God the father was a personal Being, He could not have begotten spirits in His image, and if there had been no self- existent spirit element, there would have been no substance fr om
which those spirit bodies could have been organized.”
The basis of the Mormon law of progression in Mormonism is that “intelligences” are eternal. On the other hand, God is not! He started as a spirit child in another ‘spirit world’ long ago; entered a body on another earth as a man; apparently was able to follow the law of progression perfectly; after death He became God in the ‘celestial kingdom’ of that other earth; brought (or was given) many wives; through sexual union in our spirit world had billions of spirit children : The first was Jesus, t he second