MusicIn The Bible


Frank A. Viola
5721 Ridgestone Dr.
Tampa, FL 33625

April 23, 1987


There has been much said concerning the subjects of secular rock music, rock lyrics, and the lifestyles of rock musicians. Whole books have been dedicated to the research of such subjects. It is not my intention to discuss these issues in detail, but to provide some helpful insight into the general nature of music and to introduce some guidelines in judging its influence. In this paper I will deal primarily with three basic questions. They are as follows:

  1. What does the Bible teach regarding music
  2. Can music itself be good or evil?
  3. How can one discern what music is good or evil?

In answering these questions, I will be using the tes-timonies of the holy scriptures, personal experience, and an appeal to the conscience. These three sources are useful in bearing witness to the truth (2 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 5:8-10, 2 Corinthians 4:2). In discussing this subject, it is necessary to lay certain foundations to eliminate any semantic difficulties. First, when the word “music” is being used, I am referring only to the sound produced by musical instruments, i.e., chords, rhythms, notes, beats, etc., and not the lyrics. Second, there is a vast difference between criticizing something based on personal opinion and cultural preference and judging something based on the truth of God’s word. The scriptures teach us to judge all things (1 Corinthians 2:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, John 7:24, Hebrews 5:14).

The Lord commands us to distinguish between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the unholy (Leviticus 10:10, Ezekiel 22:26, 2 Corinthians 6:17). In order to obey these commands successfully, we must learn how to judge righteously. It is with this principle in mind that I will be approaching this subject. Although this paper will be dealing primarily with the general nature of music and its uses, there will be a special emphasis on “hard rock music” with its variations (heavy metal, acid rock, British R & B, punk rock, new wave, hardcore, etc.).

Musical Instruments

In the past and in recent times, there seems to have been a slight controversy over the nature of musical instruments. Some have suggested that certain instruments are evil in themselves. These individuals claim that the instruments that are widely used to produce rock music are evil, such as the electric guitar and bass. Others hold to the view that all instruments are good in themselves because they have the ability to produce music that glorifies God. The truth about the nature of musical instruments can be found in the Bible.

Musical instruments are mentioned frequently in the scriptures, especially in the Old Testament. Among the different instruments mentioned are harps, psalteries, timbrels, cornets, cymbals, organs, tabrets, trumpets, pipes, viols, dulcimers, flutes, and sackbuts (2 Samuel 6:5, Psalms 150:3-5, Genesis 31:27, I Kings 1:40, Amos 5:23, Daniel 3:5). In studying these instruments from the scriptures, it appears that instruments in themselves are neither good or evil. Instruments seem to be neutral devices. Nevertheless, these devices can be used for good or evil purposes. For example, the harp, cornet, and psaltery were used by David and the house of Israel to worship God (2 Samuel 6:5). On the other hand, during the time of Daniel these same instruments were used to worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image, a false god (Daniel 3:4-6). In another passage, God tells Israel to take away the noise of their songs for He will not hear the melody of their viols (Amos 5:21-27). Isaiah 5:11-13 states that in spite of the fact that God’s people used musical instruments in their feasts of worship, He judged them for not considering His work.

These passages indicate that God is not concerned so much with music or instruments, but with the heart attitude of the musician. Therefore, from these scriptures it would be safe to conclude that musical instruments in themselves are neutral tools that can be sanctified or defiled depending on how they are used and by whom they are used.

The Purpose of Music

According to the Bible, music was frequently used for worshipping the Lord. The scriptures state that King David made musical instruments for the specific purpose of praising the Lord (2 Chronicles 7:6). David had committed the ministry of praising God with musical instruments to 4,000 Levites after Solomon had become king (1 Chronicles 23:1-6). Furthermore, David had given the Levites authority to appoint singers and musicians for the service of God (1 Chronicles 15:16-24,28). In one passage, the musical instruments used to glorify God are actually called “instruments of God” (1 Chronicles 16:42). David wrote many psalms encouraging people to praise God with music and instru-ments (Psalms 33:2,3; 81:1-4; 150:3-6).

It is clear from these scriptures that God is certainly not against music in itself. These passages rather reveal that God created music for His glory and honor. Nevertheless, as we shall discuss in more detail, Satan perverts the beautiful things that God creates. This would imply that there are some types of music that do not bring glory to God.

When realizing that music was intended to glorify and honor the Lord, a person should begin to use music for this purpose. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, the Apostle Paul instructs believers to do all things for God’s glory. In studying the purpose of music, the question may arise: just how does music glorify and bring praise to God? To answer this, it may be helpful to define the term “praise.” According to the dictionary, praise is the act of expressing admiration, laudation, and commendation. It means to extol, honor, and glorify. The Hebrew word for praise used in the previous scripture references is “yadah”, which means to revere or worship and is also translated “thanksgiving.” The Bible states that God delights in and inhabits the praises of men (Psalms 22:3, Matthew 21:15-16, Luke 19:37-40). Although music serves as a means of praising God, I do not think that the music itself is what directly affects Him. Rather, it is the heart attitude of the musician as stated earlier. We have already discussed some examples in which God rejected the music of His people because their hearts’ were not right (Amos 5:21- 27). The Bible also says that the wicked use music as well as the people of God (Job 21:7-15). Certainly the Lord does not accept their music for the scripture says, “the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter 3:12). The following two statements explain how music glorifies God:

  1. Music glorifies God by communicating godly attitudes and emotions to man’s spirit, enhancing his ability to worship and to be sensitive to God.
  2. Music glorifies God by aiding man in expressing himself to God, facilitating worship in spirit and in truth.

An important element to consider in these two points is that music was made for man. I believe music was made for man in much the same way as the sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:27). Among other things, the sabbath day was designed to give man rest and refreshment with devotion of God as the primary motive in view (Exodus 20:10,11; 23:12). In the same sense, music was designed to minister attitudes and emotions to man making it conducive for him to praise, worship, and express himself to God. However, it is imperative to realize that devotion to God is the ultimate purpose in music; God blesses us with good things to enjoy in Him and never to consume them upon our own lusts (James 4:3).

Music and the Anointing

The Bible gives several examples concerning the relationship between music and the anointing to prophesy. In 1 Samuel 10:5, the word of God says that a company of prophets would prophesy with a psaltery, a tabret, a harp, and a pipe before them. 2 Kings 3:10-16 gives the account of the prophet Elisha requesting a minstrel (musician) to play before he prophesied. When the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord (God’s anointing) came upon Elisha and he began to prophesy in the Lord’s name. Finally, in 1 Chronicles 25:1-7, David and the captains of the host separated men for the service of God who should, “prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals.”

It is clear from these passages that music has the ability to enhance God’s anointing and inspire the prophets. The explanation for how this works has been stated beforehand, i.e., music can communicate godly attitudes and emotions to man, enhancing his sensitivity to God. A major purpose of music is to alter man’s mood and attitude in a positive way. The key word here is “positive.” If music can communicate godly attitudes and make man sensitive to God, then it is logical to assume that music can communicate ungodly attitudes and cause man to be insensitive to God as well. This concept will be the subject of the following sections of this paper.

What is Music?

Music is a language, a mode of communication, just as words are. Music is a language communicating emotions. A body of words are a language communicating knowledge. Although music primarily communicates emotions, it can indirectly convey knowledge as well. Likewise, words primarily communicate knowledge; however, they have a minor ability to impart emotions. This definition can be helpful in understanding the influence of music. We can understand music clearer if we relate its ability and purpose to that of words. In much the same way that words can produce knowledge, music can produce emotions in an individual, for both are languages. This concept brings us to the next question, is there such a thing as evil music? Many people would say no. Many, including Christians, claim that all types of music are neutral and only the lyrics can determine whether a song is morally good or bad. This is one of the major arguments to support “Christian rock music.” The idea is that any type of music (country western, classical, jazz, heavy metal, punk rock, new wave, etc.) is acceptable to God if the lyrics are morally good. Since this is such a point of controversy, it is apparent that there is confusion and a lack of understanding in this area among believers. Therefore, believers must examine this issue in the light of scripture and the conscience in an attempt to find the truth.

The Question of Neutrality in Music

When examining the relationship and similarities between music and words, one can gain some insight into the truth of this controversy. To begin with, most people would agree that there is such a thing as “evil words.” The scriptures describe evil words with the following adjectives: idle (Matthew 12:36), blasphemous (Acts 6:11), enticing (Colossians 2:4), vain (Ephesians 5:6), filthy and foolish (Ephesians 5:4), flattering (1 Thessalonians 2:5), profane (1 Timothy 6:20), etc. On the other hand, the Bible speaks of good words as being truthful (Acts 26:25), wholesome (1 Timothy 6:3), edifying (Ephesians 4:29), sound (2 Timothy 1:13), and faithful (Revelation 21:5). It is evident from these passages that there are good and evil words alike. However, it is important to understand what actually makes a word good or evil. The answer can be found in our definition of music.

Words are a language that communicate knowledge. Therefore, one can judge whether a word or a set of words are good or evil by examining the knowledge they convey. For example, words that communicate heresies, false doctrines, evil imaginations, and blasphemies are evil words due to the fact that they convey evil knowledge and ideas. Profanity and vulgar words are considered evil because these words have been abused and perverted. These words are most often used out of context when there are suffi-cient alternative words to use instead. The point is that words are evil or good depending on the kind of knowledge they impart. Words that minister edification, wisdom, truth, sound doctrine, etc. are considered to be good or wholesome words.

In much the same way, music can be good or evil depending on the type of emotions and attitudes it conveys. The word of God has much to say concerning proper attitudes that an individual should have before the Lord. For example, in Galatians 5:22,23, the fruit of the Spirit is listed. This fruit includes the attitudes of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, meekness, and temperance. These are attitudes and emotions that the Lord desires us to have. On the other hand, the works of the flesh are listed in verses 19-21 of the same passage. Attitudes of hatred, envy, jealousy, strife, anger, and carousings are produced by the flesh. The scriptures also mention pride and sensuality as evil attitudes or passions (James 3:14,15). In observing the fruit of the Spirit and the works of the flesh, it is clear that there are good emotions and evil emotions. Music has the power and ability to communicate both of these emotions to an individual.

The scriptures support the fact that music is not a neutral force. In 1 Samuel 16:14-23, there is an incredible story illustrating the tremendous power in music to influence man’s heart attitude. In this passage, we see King Saul being tormented by an evil spirit. In response to this, Saul’s servants sent for David to play on the harp, attempting to make Saul well again. The scripture goes on to say that when David played the harp, Saul was refreshed and the evil spirit departed from him. It is significant to notice that David did not sing him a song; he simply played skillfully on the harp. This testifies to the fact that music is a powerful tool apart from lyrics. It is also important to understand how the music of David’s harp caused the demon to leave Saul. The answer has to do with the relationship between music and emotions.

David was a man after God’s own heart, and the Lord was with him (Acts 13:22 & 1 Samuel 16:18). David loved the praises of God. He wrote most of the Psalms and commanded Israel to worship God with the instruments he had made (2 Chronicles 29:25,26). When David played the harp to Saul, he was ministering the attitudes of the Holy Spirit that he himself had through his music, i.e., love, joy, peace, etc. In Psalms 81:2, Asaph describes the music of the harp as being “pleasant.” The Hebrew word for pleasant means delightful, lovely, or sweet. As a result of this, Saul began to feel refreshed. Saul was delivered because his attitude was influenced by the godly emotions conveyed through David’s music. The demon had to depart since he is opposed to the things of God, especially when the fruit of the Spirit is present. It is important to notice that the demon did not leave Saul because of the music per se, but because of the music’s positive effect on Saul’s attitude. From this story, one can safely conclude that music has the capability of driving demons out of a person by imparting godly attitudes and emotions to their spirit. Furthermore, music also has the ability to cause demons to feel welcome, provided that the music is communicating ungodly attitudes and emotions to an individual.

Music and Good Emotions

In several other passages, the Bible portrays the relation-ship between music and emotions. Music was widely used for communicating and expressing the emotion of joy (1 Samuel 18:6, 1 Chronicles 15:16, Isaiah 30:29). The scriptures speak about making a “joyful noise” unto the Lord (Psalms 66:1; 81:1; 95:1,2; 98:4,6; 100:1). Among other things, a joyful noise refers to music that expresses and communicates the emotions of joy and gladness of heart. In the story of the prodigal son, music and dancing were expressions of joy when the boy returned home (Luke 15:25). According to Lamentations 5:14,15, music ceases when there is no joy. These passages reveal that joy is a primary emotion conveyed through music. James 5:13 says that if a person is merry (cheerful), they should sing psalms. The word “psalms” in the Greek is “psallo”, which means to twitch or twang, i.e., to play on a stringed instrument; to celebrate and worship with music and accompanying odes. It is very interesting to notice that the word “psalms” implies music, and not just singing. It seems that James is telling the brethren to express themselves to God through music. Moreover, the instruction in James to sing psalms is not only an exhortation to express their joyful hearts to the Lord, but also to minister this joy to the brethren through music and song. Colossians 3:16 encourages believers to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (see also Ephesians 5:19).

Music and Evil Emotions

The Bible also portrays the relationship between music and negative emotions. In the Old and New Testaments, mourners would sing and play music as an expression of their grief and sorrow (2 Chronicles 35:25 & Matthew 9:23,24). In Job 30:31, Job says that his harp turned to mourning and his organ into the voice of weeping. This is a clear description of how music can minister the emotions of sadness and depression. At this point, I would like to suggest that music during Bible days may have been much different from the music of today. For example, I do not think that punk rock and heavy metal were present during the reign of King David. For one thing, these people did not possess the electronic technology of our day. However, I do believe that some of the music of that day produced the same emotions that much of today’s music does.

In Exodus 32:1-35, we read the story about the children of Israel making and worshipping the golden calf. If we examine this story carefully, it may remind us of many of today’s parties. Exodus 32:6 says that Israel sat down to eat, drink, then rose up to play. The story goes on to say that they danced and sang around the golden calf (verses 18,19). These verses imply that music was being played as well. The people were singing, dancing, drinking, eating, and indulging in sexual immorality while Moses was on the mountain talking with God. This reminds me of today’s parties. Consider the fact that many of today’s parties which promote fornication and drunkenness rarely are without some form of music conveying these desires; hence the phrase, “drugs, sex, and rock n’ roll.” As a result of Israel’s sin, the Lord sent a plague upon the people (verse 35). It is my impression that the music which was present when Israel sinned, conveyed the emotions of lust and sensuality, fitting the mood of their idolatrous party (1 Corinthians 10:6,7). This story exemplifies how music, which was made for God’s glory, can become perverted and used for Satan’s glory. Satan does not create; he only perverts what God created.

In Amos 6:1-7, the prophet sternly rebukes Judah and Israel. Among the sins of false trust, greed, and spiritual apathy, Amos reproves them of their revelry and banqueting where they “sing idol songs to the sound of the viol, invent for themselves instruments of music, and drink wine from sacrificial bowls.” This is another example in scripture illustrating how ungodly music, revelry, and drunkenness go hand in hand. It is sig-nificant that the scriptures speak of revelry and rioting, which in today’s terminology would be called “partying.” The New Testament condemns such activity (1 Peter 4:3, Romans 13:13, Galatians 5:21). The Greek word for revellings or rioting is “komos”, which literally means a carousal as if letting loose. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament says that this word is generally used to describe feasts and drinking-parties that are protracted till late at night and indulge in revelry. Music has the power to communicate these types of emotions. There are certain types of music today as there were in Bible times that can stir up an individual’s flesh, making a person feel like letting loose and carousing. Hard rock music, with its variations, is one type of music that is a powerful force in imparting these emotions.

Hard Rock Music

At this point, I would like to examine the influence of hard rock music. For the purpose of clarity, I would like to make a distinction between hard rock and music that is up-beat or punchy. For example, most people would probably agree that there is a distinct difference between the rock n’ roll of the mid 1950’s and the heavy metal of the 1980’s. Yet it is interesting that both are called “rock music.” The difference is not only in the amount of electronic advancement, but in the emotions that the music conveys. Hard rock can range from high pulsed energy beats, distortion and psychedelic sounds, to heavy blues notes in a minor key. I would like to also point out the fact that most of this music is played loud; however, volume does not make music good or evil. The Bible states that the people of God made a “loud noise” with their instruments unto the Lord (2 Chronicles 30:21, Psalms 33:3, 98:4, 150:5). Hard rock music is ungodly because of the emotions it communicates.

In explaining how hard rock music is ungodly, it will be profitable to discuss the lyrics of this music in a general sense. Most acid rock and heavy metal groups glorify the sins of illicit sexual acts, drug abuse, witchcraft, satanism, and even suicide in their lyrics. Some groups sing about only a few of these things, while others sing openly about them all. Further-more, most punk rock, new wave, and hardcore groups emphasize rebellion against authority, anarchy, physical abuse, and bodily perversions. One can look at much of the hard rock literature, album covers, and group names to confirm that these things are true. Simply on the basis of the lyrics, it is clear that a vast majority of these songs promote unrighteousness and are displeas-ing to God. If a song conveys ideas that are false and encourage people to indulge in or to make light of sin, then the song is evil according to God’s standard (Ephesians 4:29; 5:4,12; 1 Thessalonians 5:22). In many instances, hard rock music communi-cates the same attitudes that the lyrics convey; hence, the music usually fits the words.

A good illustration of this concept can be seen through a movie or a television program. Have you ever noticed what type of background music was present during a horror scene? In most cases, the music is eerie. Why is this? It is because the music is communicating the same emotion as the scene. This is done to promote fear. Would the horror scene have the same effect if country western music was being played in the background? Probably not. This same concept would apply to most love scenes. During a love scene, the background music usually communicates a sensual or romantic emotion. In the same manner, hard rock music imparts similar attitudes that are expressed in the lyrics.

Depending on the particular band or song, hard rock music is very powerful in communicating the attitudes and feelings of lust, sensuality, rebellion, lasciviousness, carelessness, and pride. Certain songs have such an influential beat that they can stir up the desires of a person’s flesh, making them feel sensual and aroused. It is no coincidence that rock music has been linked with illicit sex and drug abuse. Many of the parties today which advocate sin have some form of hard rock music present influenc-ing the mood. Often, this music begins to convey emotions of pride, causing individuals to draw attention to themselves. They feel strong, self-confident, and secure in themselves. However, this is a misplaced security. It is merely the result of the mood set by the powerful sound of hard rock. God’s word tells us that pride and trusting in oneself is sinful and must be forsaken (Jeremiah 17:5-7, James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5,6). We are to have no confidence in the flesh, but we are to put our trust in the Lord (Philippians 3:3, 1 Corinthians 1:29,31). Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Any music that communicates sinful attitudes and emotions is ungodly. Hard rock music does not minister to the spirit of a man. Neither does it help him glorify the Lord as music was intended to do. On the contrary, hard rock ministers to man’s flesh, promoting the sinful works of the flesh.

A person may argue that the same song may produce different emotions to different individuals. This may be true with some songs; however, this is not the case most of the time. For example, in reading a passage from the Bible or any literary work for that matter, several people may receive different meanings from it. However, there are some passages that clearly communi-cate one specific idea leaving no room for separate interpreta-tions. It is the same way with music. Several people may respond differently to a certain song; however, there are some songs in which the music is clearly communicating one emotion.

Why Rock Music?

Hard rock music is very popular among the youth of our society. Rock fans spend a great deal of money and time on concerts, rock literature, albums, tapes, etc. A vital question to ask is, what causes multitudes of young adults to be attracted and attached to this type of music? The obvious answer is because they like it. So the real question becomes, why do they like it? The answer is found in understanding the emotions conveyed through rock music.

Although some claim to enjoy hard rock based on musical appreciation, most people like it because of how it makes them feel. Again, the underlying reason has to do with the emotions conveyed. Many people have become dependent on this music. Hard rock has such a dynamic ability to provide an emotional outlet, that it actually becomes addictive to some degree. I have observed many Christians in the past who desired to follow the Lord, yet could not whole-heartedly because they refused to part with their music. The attachment can become so great, that people begin to worship the music as if it were a god, and they fall into idolatry. In essence, they love their music more than they love God.

Personal Observation

I stated earlier that there is a vast difference between criticizing something based on personal taste and judging something based on the knowledge of the truth. This is sig-nificant because I have never disliked the sound of rock music. I listened to rock music for over 12 years. I began with listening to The Beatles at an early age. In 1979, I was introduced to hard rock, primarily British rhythm and blues from the late 60’s early 70’s. I idolized such bands as Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, and others. In 1981, I joined a high school rock band. We performed much of the music that I have just listed. In 1982, the Lord began to reveal to me the effect that this music was having on me, and that He demanded preeminence in my heart. God said that He will not have any other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3). The scriptures also encourage us not to be in bondage to anything (1 Corinthians 6:12 & 2 Peter 2:19). I acknowledged the fact that I was wasting time and money on this music. Rock music did not help my faith in Christ, but hampered it subtly. Both the music, and the attachment I had to it greatly hindered my growth as a believer.

As I look back now, I am able to see why I spent so many hours listening to this music. It was merely because of the feelings of selfconfidence, pride, and power that it imparted to me. It also served as an outlet to release feelings of frustra-tion and hurt. The music would give me a sense of false security that would relieve any insecurities I had as a young adult. I had become dependent on music rather than on the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

Christian Rock Music

This brings us to the present day controversy over “Christian rock.” When speaking about Christian rock, I am not referring to all up-beat gospel tunes. I am specifically referring to hard rock, as defined previously, that is put to “Christian lyrics.” There are basically two schools of thought concerning this issue. One group of individuals feel that all music is neutral, therefore; Christian rock is an appropriate way of worshipping God. Those who hold to the other school of thought feel that all rock n’ roll music is evil and satanic and that Christian rock is no exception to this.

Those who hold to the first view claim that all types of music are neutral and that only the lyrics determine the nature of a song. They also suggest that Christian hard rock music is an evangelistic tool designed to attract young unbelievers. The idea is that through the lyrics or the message given at a Christian rock concert, many of these young people will hear and hopefully believe the gospel. Essentially, the primary purpose of this music is to reach a group of people that have never set foot in a church, yet love rock n’ roll.

The second school of thought deals with the concept that music is not neutral. Furthermore, these individuals claim that Christian rock is evil because of the nature of rock music itself. They believe that rock music is evil because of its negative history and association with such things as the drug culture, the sex revolution, the hippie movement, and the obscene lifestyles promoted by many rock musicians. In summary, the second school of thought states that due to the defiling element of rock music, Christian rock is ungodly and revolting. Moreover, many of these individuals have a personal distaste for rock music as well.

Many believers avoid issues of controversy and disagreement for fear of causing division. However, the scripture says, “there must be also heresies (differences) among you, that they which are approved may be manifest among you” (1 Corinthians 11:19). In another place the word states, “prove (test) all things; hold fast to that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). In order to discern what is good or evil, one must prove or test it first. We who are of the truth should not ignore this controversy. In judging Christian rock, we will look at the following three elements: the lyrics, the music, and the fruit.

When examining the lyrics of Christian rock music, most Christian performers and groups speak about good things. They usually speak about the truth of God’s word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the salvation that is available through the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of the lyrics speak about the Christian walk and spiritual warfare. Many glorify the name of Jesus Christ as well. Since the knowledge that is communicated through the words is usually good, then it would follow that the lyrics are usually good as well. The only difference between a Christian rock song and a secular rock song is the lyrics, the music is no different. This is confirmed by the fact that many contemporary Christian performers have borrowed the tunes of popular secular songs and have put Christian lyrics to them.

Music can be good or evil depending on the emotions it conveys. Hard rock music communicates the emotions of sensuality, pride, lasciviousness, etc. Therefore, since Christian rock music is the same as secular rock music, these same emotions are conveyed through the music. In Christian rock, both the clean and the unclean are present. The lyrics are communicating righteous-ness, but the music is communicating unrighteousness. The Bible describes such a mixture as impure and unholy. The scriptures condemn mixing the clean with the unclean (Galatians 5:9; 1 Corinthians 5:6,7; Leviticus 10:10). In the Old Testament, the mixed multitude among Israel typified the worldly element in the church (Exodus 12:38, Numbers 11:4, 1 Corinthians 10:1-6). Israel finally separated herself from these people (Nehemiah 13:3). 1 Peter 1:15,16 commands us to be holy. The Greek word for holy is “hagios”, which means separated from sin and consecrated to God. “Hagios” comes from the root word which is translated “pure.” Pure means free from defilement, not contaminated; hence, not mixed. If something is pure and holy, there is no spot, blemish, wrinkle, or mixture in it (Ephesians 5:27). When listening to Christian rock, one can sense a spirit of mixture in his inner man. The words are saying something good, but the music is saying something totally different. Again, I am speaking in general terms and am referring only to Christian “hard rock.” Neither am I implying that every song that a Christian rock group sings conveys evil emotions. A few songs may convey good emotions, however; the music in these songs is distinguishable from hard rock.

One way to determine the effectiveness of a ministry is to examine its fruit. Jesus told his disciples to beware of false prophets (Matthew 7:15). He told them that the way to recognize the true from the false was to examine their fruit (Matthew 7:16-20). This is a principle that can be applied today. It has been said that Christian rock has been effective in reaching the lost for the Lord. I do not doubt that there are those who experienced genuine salvation through the influence of a Christian rock musician. However, this does not justify the music. For example, I am sure that if someone held a “Christian” concert while distributing free beer and marijuana to those who attended, many people would come and listen to the music and the message. This is an extreme example; however, it does reveal how a method can be bad even if it attracts many people to hear the gospel message. In using the same illustration, what kind of fruit would come out of a ministry where drugs and alcohol were passed out? Perhaps there would be some decisions for the Lord, but what type of Christians would these individuals be?

Although Christian rock may be effective in bringing many people to hear the gospel message, this in itself does not make it right. Just as Christian rock has the ability to lead people to the Lord by its words, it also has the potential of leading people back into the world through its image and the attitudes conveyed through its music. A significant question is, what type of Christians does this sort of ministry produce? Does Christian hard rock produce godly righteous individuals who are separated from sin and the world? On the contrary, this music has contributed to some of the worldliness and carnality that has crept into the church today. This worldliness and carnality has not only been promoted by the music, but also by the example that is set by most Christian rock performers.

Before we examine the example given by these individuals, I would like to point out that this discussion is not an attempt to judge the motives of Christian rock musicians. We are merely examining the music and not the heart of the musician. Many Christian rockers have good motives. With some exceptions, these musicians have a desire to see souls saved. However, it is important to realize that just because a person’s motives are good, does not mean that what he does is necessarily right. For example, there are many individuals today that are teaching false doctrines. Not all of them have evil motives. These individuals are simply deceived on certain issues. The Apostle Paul is another example of this. Before his conversion, Paul thought that he was pleasing God by killing Christians. After his conversion, he said that he persecuted the church as an expression of his zeal for God (Philippians 3:6). His motive was good, yet he was in error for the Lord Jesus rebuked him for this (Acts 9:4,5). Therefore, good motives do not always justify a person’s actions.

The example and image that is being set by many Christian rock performers is fleshly. For instance, 1 Corinthians 11:14 clearly states that nature teaches us that it is a shame for a man to have long hair. 1 Timothy 2:9,10 and 1 Peter 3:3,4 emphasize modesty and sobriety in women’s clothing and adornment. In Deuteronomy 22:5, God says it is an abomination for the sexes to dress alike. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says that those who are effeminate will not inherit God’s kingdom. Many believers today ignore these passages based on the idea that God looks on the heart and not on the outward appearance. They presume, therefore; that the outward appearance is not important. What they do not realize is that God gives us these commands because the outward appearance and dress of a person reflect their heart attitude. This is the exact meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:14. A man’s conscience (the natural law) will testify and bear witness with the fact that his hair should be short. In similar fashion, a person’s clothing can reveal if they are heeding the dictates of their conscience. The fact is that if someone is violating God’s word through their outward appearance, then their heart is not right. However, many people use 1 Samuel 16:7, which says, “the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart”, to justify their ungodly appearance. This scripture is often taken out of context and misapplied. In this passage, Samuel thought Eliab was anointed by God because of his exceptional features, but God had refused him. Another example of this is that of the Pharisees. Jesus said to them, “ye also appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity” (Matthew 23:28). The lesson that these verses teach us is that just because a person looks good on the outside, does not mean he is good on the inside. However, if a person is bad on the outside according to the word of God, his heart is not right on the inside.

It is not my intention to preach condemnation and the law. Neither am I advocating a set of rules for people to follow, for this will only put people into bondage. My intention is to bring out the truth from the word of God, for the truth is what will set people free. Many of these Christian rock musicians are setting an example that is contrary to scripture and to the conscience of man. As a result, many young believers feel justified in wearing bizarre clothing and hair styles. Such things only draw attention to themselves. The Bible tells us not to follow a multitude to do evil; neither to compare ourselves with others in an attempt to justify our actions (Exodus 23:2 & 2 Corinthians 10:12). A final observation in discussing this issue is to ask the question, if Christian rock music is primarily designed to reach the lost, then why do so many believers listen to it? Why does this music appeal to unsaved youth in the first place? The answer to both these questions is that hard rock music can produce good feelings to an individual by communicating emotions to their flesh.

Many believe that Christians should change their image to relate to people in the world. They argue that even Jesus did this when he ate with sinners, and the Apostle Paul likewise said that he became all things to all men that he might win some to the gospel. Although there is some truth to this suggestion, it can be taken to the extreme. The danger is in becoming too much like the world. For example, Jesus ate with sinners for the purpose of saving them, yet at the same time the scripture says that He was separate from them (Hebrews 7:26). When Jesus related to sinners, He never lowered God’s standard. The gospel message is one of separation from the world (James 1:27; 4:4; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; 1 John 2:15-17). Paul makes it very clear in Romans 12:2 that believers should not be conformed to the image of this world. The word “conformed” means to render like or to imitate. This is one of the dangers in Christian rock. Their image and example is unscriptural, as well as the emotions communicated through their music. Paul told Timothy to be an example in speech, conduct, faith, love and purity (the absence of mixture). I do not say these things to condemn people. Rather, I say these things out of concern for what is happening in the church today. Christians need to be more discerning today than ever before. The world is creeping into the church and the body of Christ must be purged.

The Conscience Question

In dealing with issues where the Bible seems to be silent on, Christians must learn how to find the truth through other avenues. One avenue is through the conscience. There is very little taught today regarding the conscience. Our conscience, which is a part of our spirit or heart, is extremely helpful in discerning right from wrong.

I was initially led by my conscience concerning the things mentioned in this discussion of music, and the scriptures confirmed many of these things. Christians must learn that their conscience was designed to be an inward monitor that approves or disapproves their actions (Romans 2:15 & 1 John 3:20,21). The conscience bears witness to the truth (Romans 9:1, 2 Corinthians 1:12, 1 Timothy 1:5). The Apostles lived by the dictates of their conscience and taught others to live in all good conscience as well (Acts 24:16, 1 Timothy 1:19, 3:9, 2 Timothy 1:3, Hebrews 13:18, 1 Peter 3:16). It is dangerous to ignore one’s own conscience. Some people confuse their conscience with their thoughts or emotions. They tend to rationalize their actions through logic and reason and confuse this for the voice of conscience. Others go so far as refusing to obey their conscience for a long time. In this case, their conscience may not function properly. The Bible describes a person in this state as having a seared conscience and a reprobate mind (1 Timothy 4:2 & Titus 1:15,16). When a person is in this condition, they no longer can distinguish between good or evil.

Guidelines for Judging Music and Songs

In conclusion, I would like to establish some guidelines for judging music and songs. An aspect that we have not discussed is the lifestyle of the musician. Since all of us are accountable to God for how we use our finances, it is wise to be a good steward and to support righteous causes. Believer’s need to use wisdom and righteous judgment when giving to a ministry or individual. The following are steps to judging music:

  1. Examine the lyrics: What kind of knowledge and ideas do the

    words convey? Does the message of the song minister edification? Do the words promote and encourage righteousness or sin, truth or error?

  2. Examine the music: What type of emotions does the music

    communicate? Are these emotions godly according to the word of God? Does the music minister to the spirit facilitating worship and edification, or does it minister to the flesh?

  3. Examine the fruit: What kind of an example and image do the

    musicians set? Is their image and example in accordance with the word of God? What kind of fruit do the musicians bear? Are their followers holy and separate individuals, or are they worldly and carnal?

In summary, we have seen that music was created for the purpose of glorifying God. Music does this through altering man’s attitude, helping him express himself to God and to become sensitive to Him. We defined music as a language that communi-cates emotions just as words communicate knowledge. Music can convey godly or ungodly emotions; therefore, music is not neutral as many assume. Finally, hard rock music, including Christian rock, communicates sinful attitudes and emotions which can defile a person. Believers must become knowledgeable in this area and make the decision to do “all things for the glory of God.”