1. Were the servants of the Levites # Ezr 8:20
  2. Probably originated in the appointment of the Gibeonites # Jos 9:27
  3. The remnant of the Canaanites appointed as, by Solomon # 1Ki 9:20,21 Ezr 2:58
  4. WITH THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES 4a) Had cities to reside in

    # 1Ch 9:2 Ezr 2:70

4b) Exempted from tribute # Ezr 7:24 5) Had chiefs or captains over them # Ne 11:21 6) A large number of, returned from the captivity # Ezr 2:43-54 Ne 7:46-56,60 7) Were zealous for the covenant # Ne 10:28,29