You are currently viewing Notes on “the revelation of Jesus Christ” – Part 1

Notes on "the revelation of Jesus Christ", written by John 
  - known as the biblical book 'Revelation'

1:3 - "the time is near"
  This message is a prophecy - things yet to come.  It would be no less 
  accurate if the events proceeded over thousands of years from that time.  
  THE END has not yet happened, so we are somewhere IN the sequence of events 
  Rev 1:19 - "what is and what is to take place hereafter" says the Lord.
1:4 - which are "the seven spirits who are before his [God's] throne"?
  They are mentioned in Revelation 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, and 5:6, and in Romans 12:6–8 and Isaiah 11:2–3
  They are visually "seven torches of fire".
  They are also "seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth".
	1. the Spirit of the Lord
	2. the Spirit of wisdom
	3. the Spirit of understanding
	4. the Spirit of counsel
	5. the Spirit of might
	6. the Spirit of knowledge
	7. the Spirit of fear of the LORD
1:6 - Jesus "made us a kingdom" [also Rev 5:10]

1:7 - Jesus "is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him"
	Psalm 68:4 - "lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds; his name is the Lord"
3:3,5 - "Remember then what you received and heard; keep that, and repent. If 
    you will not awake, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at 
	what hour I will come upon you."  "He who conquers shall be clad thus in 
	white garments, and I will not blot his name out of the book of life".

  This message absolutely refutes any idea of "Once saved, always saved".  
  It's essential to be "awake" - have a living, active relationship with God, 
  bearing the fruit of it!
6:1 - as the Lamb [Jesus] opens each of the seven seals of a scroll, here are
  the beings of Heaven that engage John to see what's happening on earth:
	1. 1st of 4 living creatures on 4 sides of God's throne:  conquering
	2. 2nd of 4 living creatures:  loss of peace, killing, a big sword
	3. 3rd of 4 living creatures:  wheat very expensive, barley somewhat less 
	   expensive, but oil and wine not impacted.
	   Fact 1: 1qt of wheat is already more than a day's wage in many countries
           Fact 2: Famines over time
	4. 4th of 4 living creatures:  Death and Hades given power over 25% of the
	   earth, to kill with sword, famine, pestilence and by wild beasts.
	   Fact:  In the mid-1300s, the Black Death claimed the lives of roughly
	     200 million people - more than 50% of the global population.
	5. martyrs of God told to rest "a little longer" until their number is 
	   complete... Followers of God still being persecuted and killed now.
	6. great earthquake, sun black as sackcloth, moon like blood, stars of sky 
	   fall to earth, sky vanishes like a scroll rolled up, mountains and islands
	   moved.  Everyone hiding in caves and among mountain rocks, in fear of God.
	   According to the description, we haven't seen this yet.  

Continued in Part 2...