O God, who hast ordained that whatever
is to be desired should be sought by labor,
and who by Thy blessing bringest honest
labor to good effect; look with mercy upon
my present purposes and endeavors. Grant
me, O Lord, by Thy Holy Spirit, to design
only what is lawful and right. Enable me
to shun sloth and negligence, that every day
may discharge part of the task which Thou
hast allotted me; and so further with Thy
help my labor, which without Thy help must
be ineffectual, that I may obtain in my un-
dertaking such success as will most promote
Thy glory, the good of others, and the sal-
vation of my own soul, for the sake of Jesus
Christ, Thine only Son, our Lord. Amen.


O eternal God, guide me, by Thy grace,
in all my affairs, that I may be diligent,
just, and faithful in the calling in which
Thy providence has placed me. Bless and
prosper my labors, as Thou, in Thy wisdom,
seest most convenient for me. Preserve me,
by Thy Holy Spirit, from covetousness, lying,
and indirect and sordid arts; and give me
prudence, honesty, and Christian sincerity;
that my trade and business being sanctified
by my religion, my labor may be attended
with Thy blessing; and when I have finished
the portion of my work which Thou hast
allotted me here, I may be received with the
inheritance of Thy children, there to rest
from my labors, through the merits of my
ever-blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.