Into Thy hands, most blessed Jesus, I com-
mend my soul and body, which Thou hast
redeemed with Thy most precious blood.

Let Thy holy angels be present with me.

So bless and sanctify my sleep, that it
may be sweet and refreshing to my wearied
body, and an interval of repose to my sad
and anxious mind.

O let me never sleep in sin, or death eter-
nal; but give me a watchful spirit, that,
whether I wake or sleep, live or die, I may
be Thy child and servant.

And grant, O Lord, that when the work
and the sufferings of this life are ended, I
may rest in Thy bosom, till by the voice of
the archangel, and the trump of God, I shall
awake in Thy likeness, and be numbered
with Thy saints in glory everlasting: through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.