Owed To Quiches The Cat poem

This is my December Message for 1992. It takes the form of a poem. May whatever season you are in (Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice Festival, or whatever) be kindly to all of you. Ode to Quiches the Cat Copyright 1992 by Bill Scarborough Version 1.01

Am I to my Lord
As my cat is to me?

I get her out of trouble as best as I can. She jumps into messes with zap without plan.

I try to protect her and keep away from her Things that will harm her and foods that may poison her.

I give her instruction a human will give With words as like “No!” and like “Ouch!”

as I hope she shall live.
I put things away and on upper shelves
To give her some safety and physical health.

But cats do not listen as we humans may like. They jump and they run and they crawl into corners,

and they crawl and they crouch, and then they do strike. They do as they please without thinking ahead; We hope and we pray that they don’t end up dead.

We humans are like that in terms of our Lord. We scratch on the furniture and pounce on a roach; We get into trouble and jump off the porch. The Lord as our Shepherd is surely not bored.

My Lord, She protects me as I try to protect Dear little Quiches, who I’ll never neglect. And I get into trouble, but I don’t answer my name When the call of the Lord is about the domain.

Am I to my Lord
As my cat is to me? Bill Scarborough Sysop, Yellow Dream Machine B B S, (512) 451-3222 Regular Mail: 7744 Northcross # N-256, Austin, Texas, 78757-1722, United States of America FidoNet: c/o The River City Mail Box B B S, 1:382/4 Internet: cyanosis@igc.org GEnie: SCARBOROUG Prodigy: KDBT81A CompuServe: 71621,3206