The Search for Father’s Love
The Search for Father's Love The Search for Father's LoveBy Penny DaltonI knew that unless I forgave my parents, especially Dad, I'd bestuck forever in bitterness and hatred.I was three…
The Search for Father's Love The Search for Father's LoveBy Penny DaltonI knew that unless I forgave my parents, especially Dad, I'd bestuck forever in bitterness and hatred.I was three…
By Peggy Dimmick as told to Catherine Lawton Even though I loved my son, at times he hurt me so much that Ifelt like disowning him. Social acceptance meant everything…
Pain Needn't Be Forever Pain Needn't Be ForeverI'm Patricia Baker and this is my story. Everyone has a story, and each of us has someone or somecircumstances that we credit…
All Things Are New All Things Are NewBy Patty Graham I had a strong conviction of my need for deliverance fromhomosexuality. As my brother prayed for me, I trembled all over.…
The True Spiritual Aspects of A.I.D.S. The True Spiritual Aspects of A.I.D.S.By Paul DiamondOne man's story of dealing with homosexuality andA.I.D.S.Paul was one of Love In Action's "old-timers," first contactingthe…
In His Hand In His HandBy Patricia Allan, as told to Bob DaviesAfter being raped by a cousin, I was so confused. In the years ofdrinking, drugs and lesbian love…
The Disease That Afflicted My Body Had Nothing To Do With the Disease of Sin That Troubled My Soul The Disease That Afflicted My Body Had Nothing To DoWith the…
My Story My name's Andy, and I was an alcoholic. Notice I said was an alcoholic. I am not a recovering alcoholic, although I was at one time. I am…