The Benefits Of Giving Thanks
The Benefits Of Giving Thanks Title: The Benefits of Giving Thanks Text: Selected Tracing: Preached November 22, 1992 AM at SDCC. INTRO Thanksgiving is the last Christian Holiday largely unspoiled…
The Benefits Of Giving Thanks Title: The Benefits of Giving Thanks Text: Selected Tracing: Preached November 22, 1992 AM at SDCC. INTRO Thanksgiving is the last Christian Holiday largely unspoiled…
The Beauty Of Our Mountain Title: The Beauty of Our Mountain Text: Heb. 12: 18-29 Tracing: Preached 6/17/90 P.M. at SDCC. Topic: Theme: Comparison of Covenants Nutshell: Objectives: Prim Goal…
The Anticipated Surprise Of Chr Title: The Anticipated Surprise of Christmas Text: Selected Tracing: Preached December 20, 1992 AM at SDCC. Topic: Christmas, the Incarnation INTRO I am by nature…
The Answer To Injustice Hab 2 HABAKKUK 2:5-8 THE ANSWER TO INJUSTICE INTRODUCTION: Habakkuk had seen violence as universal Judgement had seemed perverted It seemed that the wicked always prevailed…
Thanksgiving Prayers Of Freedom THANKSGIVING PRAYERS OF FREEDOM Our Heavenly Father: It is indeed a privilege to stand here today and speak to you openly and without fear. It is…
Temporary Visitor TEMPORARY VISITOR B6-01-6P Jn. 12:1-8 PURPOSE: To instruct and encourage to worship God. IV. MARY WAS READY TO PAY A PRICE A. A pound of ointment of spikenard…
Teaching Methods 56 TEACHING METHODS I. IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING METHODS Teaching methods of the Master No one method is superior Reasons why teachers use one method exclusively 1. 2. 3.…
Song Of Solomon study Song Of Solomon Greetings all! Beginning today, June 1, the topic for this area is the Book of Song of Soloman. I may take a bit…
Something For Nothing SOMETHING FOR NOTHING B8-18-5A Ho. 13:9 THEME: God can take our destroyed lives and change them into something beautiful. I. ISRAEL WAS WRECKED III. GOD IS STILL…
Solid Settled Sound Stable S SOLID, SETTLED, SOUND, STABLE SAINTS B5-05-5P 1 Cor. 15:58 INTRODUCTION: Tongue-twister. Try it! Tell someone near you that you are a solid, settled... Webster defines…