Look Over In Canaan
Look Over In Canaan 47 LOOK OVER IN CANAAN BB-25-4A (Second in a series of three) FRUIT FROM THE PROMISED LAND (Numbers 13:20, 1-3, 17-25) INTRODUCTION Twelve spies were sent…
Look Over In Canaan 47 LOOK OVER IN CANAAN BB-25-4A (Second in a series of three) FRUIT FROM THE PROMISED LAND (Numbers 13:20, 1-3, 17-25) INTRODUCTION Twelve spies were sent…
Little Church With BIG Problems THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH BIG PROBLEMS B8-10-6A-8 Ro. 16:16-20 R8-05-0A-7 SB1-17-3A Purpose: To ENCOURAGE THE CHURCH to put away all the DIVISIONS that keep them…
Lifestyle Leadership 910 PART 10 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Inner Lifestyle II In this session, we will continue the discussion of the leader's inner life, and how the inner being must conform…
Lifestyle Leadership 810 PART 9 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Inner Lifestyle I In previous sessions we have found in God's Word that each of us, as members of the ekklesia are "called…
Lifestyle Leadership 710 PART 7 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Attitude toward others "Now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of…
Lifestyle Leadership 610 PART 6 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Dangers of Leadership SURVIVAL We all face dangers of one kind or another. Some face the freeways of the commute to daily work…
Lifestyle Leadership 510 PART 5 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Lifestyle traits of character EXCELLENCE In the church, today, there are many programs and classes being held for all kinds of reasons and…
Lifestyle Leadership 410 PART 4 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Source of Power In our last discussion we demonstrated the difficulty that many have with the required traits for leadership in the world…
Lifestyle Leadership 310 PART 3 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Difficulties and Resolution You have been chosen to lead. You have prayed about the calling and are doing all possible to be in…
Lifestyle Leadership 210 PART 2 LIFESTYLE LEADERSHIP Communication EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP The story is told about a mouse and an elephant that traveled together for many years. One day they arrived…