cron1199 27500 ce1 Chronology 1ce-199ce Last revision: 15Feb94 Paul Harvey <> [1-199ce (conversion era): last revision: 15Feb94] 1ce: first year in Christian calendar, (a.d. = anno Domini), (see 525) 6:…
cron1199 27500 ce1 Chronology 1ce-199ce Last revision: 15Feb94 Paul Harvey <> [1-199ce (conversion era): last revision: 15Feb94] 1ce: first year in Christian calendar, (a.d. = anno Domini), (see 525) 6:…
creedslater LATER CREEDS Third Council of Constantinople (681 AD, Sixth Ecumenical) This council further clarified the Definition of Chalcedon, dealing with the question of whether the two natures of Jesus…
creedsearly Below is a compilation of the earliest formal creeds upon which are based nearly all subsequent confessions and creeds, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or protestant. For further study, I…
creedfilioque THE FILIOQUE CLAUSE This essay is an Appendix to the essay called CREED NICENE. It deals with one particular line of the Nicene Creed. The Creed as formulated at…
creedchurch THE NICENE CREED ON THE CHURCH We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. [J.S. Bach, a devout Lutheran, wrote a musical setting for the Liturgy known as…
Augustine's Enchiridion On Faith, Hope, and Love Newly translated and edited by ALBERT C. OUTLER, Ph.D., D.D. Professor of Theology Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas First…
enchir33 CHAPTER XXXIII CONCLUSION 122. But somewhere this book must have an end. You can see for yourself whether you should call it an Enchiridion, or use it as one.…
enchir32 CHAPTER XXXII THE END OF ALL THE LAW 121. All the divine precepts are, therefore, referred back to love, of which the apostle says, "Now the end of the…
enchir31 CHAPTER XXXI LOVE 117. And now regarding love, which the apostle says is greater than the other two--that is, faith and hope--for the more richly it dwells in a…
enchir30 CHAPTER XXX THE PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN LIVING: FAITH AND HOPE 114. Thus, from our confession of faith, briefly summarized in the Creed (which is milk for babes when pondered…