enchir19 CHAPTER XIX ALMSGIVING AND FORGIVENESS 70. We must beware, however, lest anyone suppose that unspeakable crimes such as they commit who "will not possess the Kingdom of God" can…
enchir19 CHAPTER XIX ALMSGIVING AND FORGIVENESS 70. We must beware, however, lest anyone suppose that unspeakable crimes such as they commit who "will not possess the Kingdom of God" can…
enchir18 CHAPTER XVIII 140 FAITH AND WORKS 67. There are some, indeed, who believe that those who do not abandon the name of Christ, and who are baptized in his…
enchir17 CHAPTER XVII FORGIVENESS OF SINS IN THE CHURCH 64. The angels are in concord with us even now, when our sins are forgiven. Therefore, in the order of the…
enchir16 CHAPTER XVI PROBLEMS ABOUT HEAVENLY AND EARTHLY DIVISIONS OF THE CHURCH 60. It is more important to be able to discern and tell when Satan transforms himself as an…
enchir15 CHAPTER XV THE HOLY SPIRIT (56) AND THE CHURCH (57-60) 56. Now, when we have spoken of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God our Lord, in the brevity…
enchir14 CHAPTER XIV THE MYSTERIES OF CHRIST'S MEDIATORIAL WORK (48-49) AND JUSTIFICATION (50-55) 48. That one sin, however, committed in a setting of such great happiness, was itself so great…
enchir13 CHAPTER XIII BAPTISM AND ORIGINAL SIN 41. Since he was begotten and conceived in no pleasure of carnal appetite--and therefore bore no trace of original sin--he was, by the…
enchir12 CHAPTER XII THE ROLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 38. Are we, then, to say that the Holy Spirit is the Father of Christ's human nature, so that as God…
enchir11 CHAPTER XI THE INCARNATION AS PRIME EXAMPLE OF THE ACTION OF GOD'S GRACE 36. In this the grace of God is supremely manifest, commended in grand and visible fashion;…
enchir10 CHAPTER X JESUS CHRIST THE MEDIATOR 33. Thus it was that the human race was bound in a just doom and all men were children of wrath. Of this…