Yom Kippur feast or fast
Yom Kippur feast or fast YOM KIPPUR: FEAST OR FAST? Rachmiel Frydland According to Jewish tradition and the Talmud (Tractate Ta'anith 26b), Yom Kippur has been one of the great…
Yom Kippur feast or fast YOM KIPPUR: FEAST OR FAST? Rachmiel Frydland According to Jewish tradition and the Talmud (Tractate Ta'anith 26b), Yom Kippur has been one of the great…
Womens headcoverings a Messi Women's Headcoverings: A Messianic Viewpoint Introduction In Biblical times, women covered their heads with veils or scarfs a sign of chastity and modesty. The unveiling of…
Why do we say Yeshua Why Do You Say Yeshua? by Michael Schiffman Several years ago, a meeting took place between Jewish and Evangelical theologians to address common concerns and…
Why We Believe In Messiah WHY WE BELIEVE IN THE MESSIAH -or- IN SEARCH OF THE MESSIAH We now want to utilize the side of the brain not used very…
Why Messianic Jews WHY MESSIANIC JEWS by Rachmiel Frydland To ask why we are Jews is to ask why a bagel is a bagel. A bagel tastes like a bagel…
What is Messianic Judaism Provided by Congregation Roeh Israel (UMJC) of Denver, Colorado. MESSIANIC JUDAISM ______ WHAT IS IT? MESSIANIC JUDAISM is the belief that Yeshua is the redeemer spoken…
The head covering of a man Provided by Congregation Roeh Israel (UMJC) of Denver, Colorado. The Head Covering of a Man: Symbol of Reverence The Traditional Garments of the High…
The fine line of Messianic Juda "The Fine Line" of Messianic Judaism By: Roger A. Lundington There is, somewhere between Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity, a very fine line. It is…
The day Yeshua died Pesach: The Day Yeshua Died: The Three Days and Nights by Burt Yellin Every year about the time of Passover and Easter, people are forced to…
The commandments of the fringes Provided by Congregation Roeh Israel (UMJC) of Denver, Colorado. Tzitzit: The Commandment of the Fringes By Glenn Weaver Through the ages G*d has given man…