Erev Rosh HaShannah service n i
Erev Rosh HaShannah service n i Rosh HaShannah TISHRI 1; 5750 . .HOLY DAYS BEGIN AT SUNDOWN ON PRECEDING DAY . . 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992. .ROSH HA--SHANNAH...................09/12 09/30…
Erev Rosh HaShannah service n i Rosh HaShannah TISHRI 1; 5750 . .HOLY DAYS BEGIN AT SUNDOWN ON PRECEDING DAY . . 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992. .ROSH HA--SHANNAH...................09/12 09/30…
Dr M Schiffman personal tes The Pursuit of G-d by Dr. Michael Schiffman I was born into a traditional Jewish family in New York in August 1955. From my earliest…
Chanukah feast of dedication CHANUKAH .. FEAST OF DEDICATION by Dr. Michael Schiffman As the year is swiftly drawing to a close, we are approaching both Chanukah and Christmas. Chanukah…
Ancientmodern Rabbinic Messian Ancient Rabbinic Quotes Concerning--Messiah & the Tri-unity of HaShem !!! w Also included are some quotes from the Sibylline Oracles, Encly. Judaica/Jewish Encly., and Tanach. NOTE: Most…
ZEBULUN ZEBULUN, The Tribe of Descended from Jacob's tenth son # Ge 30:19,20 Predictions respecting # Ge 49:13 De 33:18,19 PERSONS SELECTED FROM 3a) To number the people # Nu…