VISIONS VISIONS God often made known his will by # Ps 89:19 God especially made himself known to prophets by # Nu 12:6 OFTEN ACCOMPANIED 3a) A representative of the…
VINEYARDS VINEYARDS Origin and antiquity of # Ge 9:20 The design of planting # Ps 107:37 1Co 9:7 Frequently walled or fenced with hedges # Nu 22:24 Pr 24:31 Isa…
VANITY VANITY A consequence of the fall # Ro 8:20 Every man is # Ps 39:11 Every state of man is # Ps 62:9 Man at his best estate is…
VALLEYS VALLEYS Tracts of land between mountains # 1Sa 17:3 CALLED 2a) Vales # De 1:7 Jos 10:40 2b) Dales # Ge 14:17 2Sa 18:18 2c) Fat valleys, when fruitful…
VAIL or VEIL VAIL or VEIL A covering for the head usually worn by women # Ge 38:14 WAS WORN 2a) As a token of modesty # Ge 24:65 2b)…
USURY or Interest
USURY or Interest USURY or Interest The lending of money or other property for increase # Le 25:37 Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed to enjoy their gain # Ps…
URIM and Thummim
URIM and Thummim URIM and Thummim Placed in the breastplate of the high priest # Ex 28:30 Le 8:8 God to be consulted by # Nu 27:21 Instances of consulting…