SEEKING GOD SEEKING GOD Commanded # Isa 55:6 Mt 7:7 INCLUDES SEEKING 2a) His Name # Ps 83:16 2b) His word # Isa 34:16 2c) His face # Ps 27:8…
SEEKING GOD SEEKING GOD Commanded # Isa 55:6 Mt 7:7 INCLUDES SEEKING 2a) His Name # Ps 83:16 2b) His word # Isa 34:16 2c) His face # Ps 27:8…
SECOND COMING OF CHRIST SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, The Time of, unknown # Mt 24:36 Mr 13:32 CALLED THE 2a) Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord #…
SEALING of the Holy Spirit SEALING of the Holy Spirit Christ received # Joh 6:27 Saints receive # 2Co 1:22 Eph 1:13 Is to the day of redemption # Eph…
SCRIPTURES SCRIPTURES, The Given by inspiration of God # 2Ti 3:16 Given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit # Ac 1:16 Heb 3:7 2Pe 1:21 Christ sanctioned, by appealing to…
SCRIBES SCRIBES Antiquity of # Jud 5:14 Wore an inkhorn at their girdles # Eze 9:2,3 FAMILIES CELEBRATED FOR FURNISHING 3a) Kenites # 1Ch 2:55 3b) Zebulun # Jud 5:14…
SCORPION SCORPION, The Armed with a sharp sting in its tail # Re 9:10 Sting of, venomous and caused torment # Re 9:5 Abounded in the great desert # De…
SCORNING AND MOCKING SCORNING AND MOCKING The sufferings of Christ by, predicted # Ps 22:6-8 Isa 53:3 Lu 18:32 Christ endured # Mt 9:24 27:29 SAINTS ENDURE, ON ACCOUNT OF…