INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit
INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit, The Foretold # Joe 2:28 Ac 2:16-18 All Scripture given by # 2Sa 23:2 2Ti 3:16 2Pe 1:21 DESIGN OF…
INSECTS INSECTS Created by God # Ge 1:24,25 DIVIDED INTO 2a) Clean and fit for food # Le 11:21,22 2b) Unclean and abominable # Le 11:23,24 3) MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE…
INJUSTICE INJUSTICE Forbidden # Le 19:15,35 De 16:19 SPECIALLY TO BE AVOIDED TOWARDS 2a) The poor # Ex 23:6 Pr 22:16,22,23 2b) The stranger and fatherless # Ex 22:21,22 De…
INGRATITUDE to God INGRATITUDE to God A characteristic of the wicked # Ro 1:21 Inexcusable # Isa 1:2,3 Ro 1:21 Unreasonable # Jer 2:5,6,31 Mic 6:2,3 Exceeding folly of #…
INGRATITUDE INGRATITUDE A characteristic of the wicked # Ps 38:20 2Ti 3:2 OFTEN EXHIBITED 2a) By relations # Job 19:14 2b) By servants # Job 19:15,16 2c) To benefactors #…
INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit
INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit, The In his Church, as his temple # 1Co 3:16 In the body of saints, as his temple # 1Co…
INDUSTRY INDUSTRY Commanded # Eph 4:28 1Th 4:11 Required of man in a state of innocence # Ge 2:15 Required of man after the fall # Ge 3:23 To be…
INCENSE INCENSE Brought from Sheba # Jer 6:20 Called frankincense # So 4:6,14 An article of extensive commerce # Re 18:13 Common, not to be offered to God # Ex…
IGNORANCE of God IGNORANCE of God Ignorance of Christ is # Joh 8:19 EVIDENCED BY 2a) Want of love # 1Jo 4:8 2b) Not keeping his commands # 1Jo 2:4…