GARMENTS GARMENTS Origin of # Ge 3:7,21 CALLED 2a) Raiment # Ge 28:20 De 8:4 2b) Clothes # Pr 6:27 Eze 16:39 2c) Clothing # Job 22:6 31:19 2d) Vesture…
GARDENS GARDENS Often made by the banks of rivers # Nu 24:6 KINDS OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE 2a) Herbs # De 11:10 1Ki 21:2 2b) Cucumbers # Isa 1:8 2c)…
GALILEE GALILEE Separated from Judea by Samaria # Joh 4:3,4 Upper part of, called Galilee of the Gentiles # Isa 9:1 Mt 4:15 Lake of Gennesaret, called the sea of…
Feast of Purim
Feast of Purim Feast of Purim, or Lots, The Instituted by Mordecai # Es 9:20 To commemorate the defeat of Haman's wicked design # Es 3:7-15 9:24-26 Began fourteenth of…
FRUITS FRUITS The produce of corn, &c # De 22:9 Ps 107:37 The produce of trees # Ge 1:29 Ec 2:5 CALLED THE 3a) Fruit of the ground # Ge…
FOUNTAINS and Springs
FOUNTAINS and Springs FOUNTAINS and Springs Created by God # Ps 74:15 104:10 God to be praised for # Re 14:7 Come from the great deep # Ge 7:11 Job…
FOUNDATION FOUNDATION The lowest part of a building, and on which it rests # Lu 14:29 Ac 16:26 FIGURATIVELY APPLIED TO 2a) The heavens # 2Sa 22:8 2b) The earth…