ASSURANCE ASSURANCE Produced by faith # Eph 3:12 2Ti 1:12 Heb 10:22 Made full by hope # Heb 6:11,19 Confirmed by love # 1Jo 3:14,19 4:18 Is the effect of…
ASSURANCE ASSURANCE Produced by faith # Eph 3:12 2Ti 1:12 Heb 10:22 Made full by hope # Heb 6:11,19 Confirmed by love # 1Jo 3:14,19 4:18 Is the effect of…
ASCENSION of Christ ASCENSION of Christ, The Prophecies respecting # Ps 24:7 68:18 Eph 4:7,8 Foretold by himself # Joh 6:62 7:33 14:28 16:5 20:17 Forty days after his resurrection…
ARTS of the ARTS of the Apothecary or perfumer # Ex 30:25,35 Armourer # 1Sa 8:12 Baker # Ge 40:1 1Sa 8:13 Brick-maker # Ge 11:3 Ex 5:7,8,18 Brazier #…
ARROWS ARROWS Deadly and destructive weapons # Pr 26:18 Called shafts # Isa 49:2 Sharp # Ps 120:4 Isa 5:28 Bright and polished # Isa 49:2 Jer 51:11 Sometimes poisoned…
ARMIES of Israel ARMIES of Israel, The First mention of # Ex 7:4 COLLECTED BY 2a) Sound of trumpets # Jud 3:27 6:34 2b) Special messengers # Jud 6:35 2Sa…
ARMIES ARMIES Antiquity of # Ge 14:1-8 Ancient, often numerous # Jos 11:4 1Sa 13:5 Of different nations often confederated # Jos 9:2 10:5 Jud 3:13 1Ki 20:1 Troops often…