Gary Eide

Gary Eide Gary Eide I got saved back in July of 1973. It was by His grace that I was called out of bondage into His glorious light. I was…

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David L Brown

David L Brown Testimony of David L. Brown My family was Methodist. We attended a small country Methodist church when I was a young boy. I had a Sunday School…

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Dana G Robitille

Dana G Robitille Testimony of Dana G. Robitille I would have to say that I have possessed an awareness that God had plans for me from my youth even though…

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DJ Chuang

DJ Chuang The Story of DJ Chuang I was born in Taiwan and grew up in a very traditional Chinese family. They placed much value on respect for parents, to…

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Claude Joyner

Claude Joyner Testimony of Claude Joyner MY LIFE AND ATTITUDES BEFORE FOLLOWING CHRIST. I grew up in New Haven, Connecticut, but spent the majority of my adult life living across…

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