How To Minister To A Gay Friend
How To Minister To A Gay Friend HOW TO MINISTER TO A GAY FRIEND An increasing number of Christians have within their circle of friends, someone who is struggling with…
How To Minister To A Gay Friend HOW TO MINISTER TO A GAY FRIEND An increasing number of Christians have within their circle of friends, someone who is struggling with…
How To Deal With SameSex Actra How To Deal With Same-Sex Attractions One of the most difficult battles ex-gay men and women face is working through attractions they still have…
Homosexuality Parents Of Gay HOMOSEXUALITY What Do Parents Do When They Discover Their Children Are Involved? Devastated by our son's homosexuality, we found ourselves part of a growing minority of…
Homosexuality And The Truth Homosexuality and the Truth A Life Determined Before Birth? Introduction - Essentially, society has two views of homosexuality. The traditional view holds that homosexuality is an…
Healing For The Homosexual Healing For The Homosexual Helpful Guide - lines Don't Give In. Every day in our lives we are faced with choices. Often the "pleasures of the…
Has God Spoken On The subject HAS GOD SPOKEN ON THE SUBJECT OF HOMOSEXUALITY?" by Frank Worthen The Decision That Must Be Made. Today, we find many of the mainline…
Guess Whos Coming To Dinner Guess Who's Coming To Dinner The telephone rings. It's your son whom you have not seen for many months. You are delighted to hear from…
General Information Homosexua General Information When I first+ received these files, I thought they were related to the issue of homosexuality and what the Bible says about the subject. After…
Friend Not Best Friend FRIEND, Not "BEST" FRIEND It was perhaps the most uncomfortable spot I can remember being in, answering the anxious questions of Carl's parents and his fiancee.…
Fathers Of Gay Males FATHERS OF GAY MALES Part 1: Disclosure Homosexuality, some people say, is not an aberrant lifestyle, and even if it were, homosexuality would at most be…