Emotional Dependency 3

Emotional Dependency 3 Emotional Dependency A Threat To Close Friendships - by Lori Thorkelson Part 3 "For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.…

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Emotional Dependency 2

Emotional Dependency 2 Emotional Dependency A Threat To Close Friendships - by Lori Thorkelson Part 2 "All a man's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weights the heart"…

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Emotional Dependency 1

Emotional Dependency 1 Emotional Dependency A Threat To Close Friendships - by Lori Thorkelson "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." - Proverbs 4:23…

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Choosing Heaven

Choosing Heaven CHOOSING HEAVEN What shall you say then? Are you to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be! The roots of my struggle with homosexuality…

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Carrie Woman Of God

Carrie Woman Of God CARRIE: WOMAN OF GOD One year ago, I would not have believed it possible for me to tell you that God has set me free from…

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Breaking The Cycle

Breaking The Cycle Breaking The Cycle An Active Homosexual Experiences Healing At 38, I was leading a classic double life. To our friends, my wife and I seemed an ideal…

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Biological Determinism

Biological Determinism Biological Determinism To understand man fully, we must look at him as a biological, psychological, and spiritual being. With the advancement of science, the study of man has…

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