What About Nuggets Found Only I
What About Nuggets Found Only I QUESTION: What about "nuggets" found only in the Greek? ANSWER: Why settle for "nuggets" when you can own the whole mine? EXPLANATION: Most "nuggets"…
What About Nuggets Found Only I QUESTION: What about "nuggets" found only in the Greek? ANSWER: Why settle for "nuggets" when you can own the whole mine? EXPLANATION: Most "nuggets"…
What About A Contradiction QUESTION: What about a contradiction that can't be successfully explained? ANSWER: You will have to accept the perfection of the Authorized Version by faith. EXPLANATION: Many…
Were The KJV Translators Inspir QUESTION: Did the translators of the Authorized Version claim to be inspired by God? ANSWER: No. But Biblically that does not mean that they could…
Was King James A Homosexual QUESTION 3: I have been told that King James was a homosexual. Is this true? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: King James I of England, who authorized…
Two Lies The Two Lies By Daryl R. Coats Since Satan first asked Eve, "Yea, hath God said?", hundreds of lies have been told about the Bible. Most "fundamentalists" have…
The TR Man And The KJ Man QUESTION: What is the difference between a "Textus Receptus Man" and a "King James Man"? ANSWER: A "TR Man" gets his manuscripts from…
The THEEs And THOUs In Th QUESTION: What if I really have trouble with all of the "thee's" and "thou's" in the Bible? ANSWER: So what? Read it anyway. EXPLANAlION:…
The Perfect Bible QUESTION: If there is a perfect Bible in English, doesn't there also have to be a perfect Bible in French, and German, and Japanese, etc.? ANSWER: No.…
The New KJV QUESTION: The New King James Version is based on the Antiochian manuscripts. Is it an improvement over the King James Bible? ANSWER: No. EXPLANATION: The New King…
The New EyeOpener THE NEW EYE-OPENER Why all the controversy about the King James Bible? Because modern Christian scholarship has CHANGED the Greek Textus Receptus, from which the King James…