Jesus riding a donkey
Jesus riding a donkey From the Birmingham News (Sept. 22, 1989), we read that the revised English Bible has Jesus riding a donkey, not an ass TO AVOID OFFENSE. The…
Jesus riding a donkey From the Birmingham News (Sept. 22, 1989), we read that the revised English Bible has Jesus riding a donkey, not an ass TO AVOID OFFENSE. The…
Is Jesus The Word Is Jesus The Word? (Title supplied by sysop) The scriptures in question John 1:1,2 read in the Greek from Wescott & Hort's New Testament in Original…
Integration And Intermarriage December 13, 1990 Dear friends: The following is an article of questionable scholarship which is being circulated on "Christian" BBSs. It is of interest because it is…
I Have Seen Hell I HAVE SEEN HELL!!! SOME people do not believe there is a literal hell. I do. I believe it, first, because the Bible emphatically teaches that…
Humanism In Modern Christian Vo (This is a continuation of Dr. Ruckman's critique of a publication by the Seventh Day Adventist Church (Ministry: International Journal for Clergy), which is filled…
Higher Education In America Higher Education in America A good sample of higher education in America is Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan. "Twenty-five were injured as the mob set…
Harvards Rules And Precepts Harvard's "Rules and Precepts" (1646): "Every one shall consider the main end of his life and studies to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal…
False Witness Of Jehovahs Witn False Witness Of Jehovah's Witnesses (Title supplied by the sysop) Corrections to the text file of THE HISTORY OF THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (See Filename FAL34.LZH)----------------…
Corporeal Punishment Anyone in my generation knows what happened to corporeal punishment in the schools following World War II, and especially so following the infamous "Civil Rights Acts," which took…
College Students On Secular Cam The most hyper-sensitive, narrow-minded, nervous, ecclesiastical bigots in the world outside of the news media journalists, are college students on the campuses of secular colleges.…