Passivity Lethal Lullaby

Passivity Lethal Lullaby PASSIVITY - LETHAL LULLABY --------------------------------------------------- "Once there was fine warren on the edge of a wood, overlooking the meadows of a farm... "One day the farmer though,…

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Out Of Context

Out Of Context Out of Context? . John 3:16 -- "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not…

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Our Works

Our Works Gem #53 - Our Works You cannot get to heaven by your works. You might as well seek to reach the stars on a treadmill, as to go…

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Our Tears

Our Tears Gem #45 - Our Tears Oh! it is a glorious fact, that prayers are noticed in heaven. The poor broken hearted sinner, going into his bedroom, bends his…

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Opening Blind Eyes

Ephesians 5:8-14 John 8:1-41 "Blindness" 1. Ruth let the door slam behind her as she skipped through the house. "Wow! You should have seen it! It was neat!" Her father…

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