Loving Your Neighbor

Loving Your Neighbor Gem #3 - Power in the Heart A man's power in the world, other things being equal, is just the ratio of the power and strength of…

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Love Not The World

Love Not The World Gem #51 - Love Not the World Hate the world, value its treasure at a cheap price, estimate its gems as nothing but fakes, and its…

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Love In The Home

Love In The Home LOVE IN THE HOME GLORIA COPELAND We must learn through the Word, how to live in agreement with our spouses and our children. The power of…

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Lord Is It I

Lord Is It I "Lord, is it I?" As on life's road I rush along, Seeking its pleasure with the throng, Looking for fun and flattery, Have you forgotten--Calvary? Pitiful…

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Little Faith

Little Faith Gem #30 - Little Faith We hear, sometimes, a great deal said about possessing a full assurance of being a child of God; and then, every now and…

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