Liberation FromAm Not Like T
Liberation FromAm Not Like T LIBERATION FROM THE 'I AM NOT LIKE OTHERS' TRAP from LUKE 18:9-14 by REV. JEFFREY CARLSON A parable is a picture story with a striking…
Liberation FromAm Not Like T LIBERATION FROM THE 'I AM NOT LIKE OTHERS' TRAP from LUKE 18:9-14 by REV. JEFFREY CARLSON A parable is a picture story with a striking…
Lessons Of Faith 3 Lessons in Faith - 3 Give it your all! Why are you holding back? Why are you reserving part of your energy? Is your faith doubtful?…
Lessons Of Faith 2 Lessons in Faith - 2 ---------------- "Mom, why do we have go to church?" "We go to church to pray and worship God!" "But we can…
Lessons Of Faith 1 LESSONS of FAITH - 1 It ÿwas ÿin the bag. ÿHe was clutching it like it ÿwas ÿthe last ÿthing he owned. ÿAnd it was. ÿThe…
Large Crowds How To Hate Them Large Crowds how to HATE them There are certainly large crowds within the house of God today. In every church and ministry the goal…
Kindness Gem #25 - Kindness Deal gently, deal kindly, deal lovingly, and there is not a wolf in human shape that won't be melted by kindness; and there is not…
Journey Through The Heart Poem JOURNEY THROUGH THE HEART Though dark and gloomy my story may be, but so very vital to you and to me. The subject is Sin…
Jesus Our Sweet Counselor Gem #81 - Jesus Our Sweet Counselor Good old Simeon called Jesus the consolation of Israel; and so He was. Before His actual appearance, His name…
Jesus Knows Your Name Inspiration Read John 10:7-14 Jesus Knows Your Name. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. John 10:14…
Jesus Is Coming Again JESUS IS COMING AGAIN! Are you ready? Are you storing riches in Heaven or are you gorging yourself on the 'riches' of this world? BE SOBER!…