God SavesA poem

God SavesA poem God saves! (poem) by R.S. Nance From blindness He did make me see And remove my heart of stone; Yet some insist my will was free A…

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Full Surrender

Full Surrender Gem #12 - Full Surrender Don't keep back any part of the price received. Make a full surrender of every inclination of your heart; work to have but…

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Full Maturity

Full Maturity FULL MATURITY The goal of our ministry is not simply to see a whole lot of people born into the kingdom of God and leave them squalling as…

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From One Of Us

From One Of Us From One of Us by Thomas P Wynn It was supposed to reconfirm American supremacy in science and innovation; an orbiting, automated telescope that could peer…

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Friendship With Jesus

Friendship With Jesus Inspiration 1 Cor.1:1-9 FRIENDSHIP WITH JESUS God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son. 1 Cor.1:9 Many people were won to…

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