23rd Psalm For Busy People
23rd Psalm For Busy People 23rd PSALM FOR BUSY PEOPLE The Lord is my Pacesetter, I will not rush. He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals. He provides…
23rd Psalm For Busy People 23rd PSALM FOR BUSY PEOPLE The Lord is my Pacesetter, I will not rush. He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals. He provides…
10 Little Christians Good Rhy TEN LITTLE CHRISTIANS TEN ÿLITTLE CHRISTIANS, ÿstanding in a line. ÿOne ÿdidn't like the preacher, then there were nine. NINE LITTLE CHRISTIANS, stayed up very…
101 Ways To Praise A Child0 101 WAYS TO PRAISE A CHILD ...from the Adam Walsh Child Resource Center Wow Way To Go You're Special Outstanding Super Well Done I…
101 Ways To Praise A Child Heading for the Spiritual Battle (2 Tim. 2:1-6) I. Equip Yourself in the Truth II. Educate Others of the Truth III. Endure for the…
bible verse for every letter of ASSURANCE JOB 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26 And…
Why We Reject This Version WHY WE REJECT THIS VERSION We have been asked a number of times recently about a new version of the New Testament that is being…
Why Jesus WHY JESUS? by Anthony D. Burch You may be reading this bulletin board and saying to yourself, "Why all this stuff about Jesus? Sure, he was a good…
Why Did Christ Die WHY DID CHRIST DIE? ****READ**** John 6:44- Predestination is exclusive of any merits we might have and is totally through God's soverign will. ****READ**** Romans 9:23-…
What Will People Think "WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK?" You know perfectly well that if you come out openly as a believer in Jesus Christ, that some people will criticize you,…
What Does It Mean To Be A Chris ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What does it mean to be a CHRISTIAN? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Many ÿof us do not seem to have a clear idea of…