The Feather Imprints
The Feather Imprints The Feather Imprints on the London Specimen of Archaeopteryx by Gerald Duffett. (From: British Creation Science Earth Sciences Group) June 1985 Archaeoptryx is in the news again.…
The Feather Imprints The Feather Imprints on the London Specimen of Archaeopteryx by Gerald Duffett. (From: British Creation Science Earth Sciences Group) June 1985 Archaeoptryx is in the news again.…
The Failure Of The Big Bang The Big Bang Or Creation? David Layzer, of Harvard, in attempting to deal with this problem, has first redefined "times' arrow" (a term coined…
The Evolutionized Car The Evolutionized Car Taking only 1 1/2 million years to refine itself, The Evolutionized Car is perfected. It is believed that with its meager beginnings as iron…
The EvolutionCreation Controve Zimmerman, Michael "The Evolution-Creation Controversy: Opinions from Students at a 'Liberal' Liberal Arts College" Ohio Journal of Science 86(4):134-139, 1986. Zimmerman, professor of biology at Oberlin College,…
The Evidence For Creation THE EVIDENCE FOR CREATION? Well, we know the evidence against evolution, so what is the evidence for creation? The Universe!! :) Seriously, as I've stated before…
The Earths Early Atmosphere The Earth's Early Atmosphere > It may also interest you to know about a kind of > experiment first performed by the chemist Stanley > Miller…
The Dogma Of Deceit ORIGIN SCIENCE ASSOCIATION The Dogma of Deceit Part Two Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the…
The Decay of CDecay The Decay of C-Decay by Robert P.J. Day [Originally appeared in the OASIS Newsletter, 385 Main Street, Beaverton, Ontario, Canada L0K 1A0] "If you propose that…
The Creationist And The Bible Part 2 The Creationist And The Bible INTRODUCTION Creationists are certain that the Bible is accurate, authoritative and trustworthy in every field of knowledge, whether…
The Comet Connection Volume 1, Number 4 December 1985 A publication for the members of SOR THE COMET CONNECTION I had decided that I was not going to be sucked…