The Christian And The Greenhous
The Christian And The Greenhous "VITAL ARTICLES ON SCIENCE/CREATION" No. 204 THE CHRISTIAN AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT by Larry Vardiman* Introduction The greenhouse effect has recently become a major topic…
The Christian And The Greenhous "VITAL ARTICLES ON SCIENCE/CREATION" No. 204 THE CHRISTIAN AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT by Larry Vardiman* Introduction The greenhouse effect has recently become a major topic…
The Chemistry Of OilThe Floo No. 155 - THE CHEMISTRY OF OIL EXPLAINED BY FLOOD GEOLOGY By David R. McQueen, M.S.* It is clear that exploration for oil is an…
The Brains Complexity "I Think; Therefore, There Is A Supreme Thinker" Even though the large majority of modern scientists still embrace an evolutionary view of origins, there is a significant…
The Bombardier Beetle Evolutionary Accident or Everlasting Architect?? The Bombardier Beetle: When ever threatened the bombardier beetle shoots out a noxious gas which are at 212 degrees F, out from…
The BigBang Theory Contradic The Big-Bang theory contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The very idea that a primeval cosmic explosion could somehow generate a highly ordered and complex universe…
The Basic Unit Of Life The Basic Unit Of LIfe by Dr. S.H. Tow Darwin's hypothesis of "spontaneous generation" of life was founded on the belief that at that time…
The Antropy Of A Closed System The Entropy Of A Closed System Another profound law of science is the entropy of physics which states that the availability of the energy…
The Anticreationist VITAL ARTICLES ON Science Creation No. 97 The Anti-Creationist By Henry M. Morris, Ph. D. There are many evolutionists who evaluate scientific data objectively, even in relation to…
Temples Of Evolution Temples TEMPLES OF EVOLUTION-- TEMPLES OF DOOM by Ken Ham One of the latest "temples" to be built in the USA cost almost $18 million. This beautiful…
Teaching Creation in schools Teaching Creation In Schools? > As I said, we have only the obligation to teach the > facts according to science, to the best of science's…