Evolution Is Religion Not Scie
Evolution Is Religion Not Scie EVOLUTION IS RELIGION, NOT SCIENCE Institute for Creation Research Dr. Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Evolutionists often insist that evolution is a proved fact of science,…
Evolution Is Religion Not Scie EVOLUTION IS RELIGION, NOT SCIENCE Institute for Creation Research Dr. Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Evolutionists often insist that evolution is a proved fact of science,…
Evolution And The Wages Of Sin No. 209 EVOLUTION AND THE WAGES OF SIN by John D. Morris, Ph.D.* Dr. E.O. Wilson, Harvard entomology professor and chief spokesperson for the…
Evolution And The Snowflake No. 162 EVOLUTION AND THE SNOWFLAKE by Larry Vardiman, Ph.D. Johannes Kepler, the yet-to-be famous astronomer, presented a unique New Year's gift to his patron in…
Evolution And The New Age No. 165 EVOLUTION AND THE NEW AGE By Henry M. Morris' A strange religion has been coming into prominence in recent years. Sometimes mis-called the…
Evolution And The Bible Both Ca +-------------------------------------------+ |EVOLUTION AND THE BIBLE CAN'T BOTH BE TRUE.| All we have to do is compare the Genesis account and the theory of evolution…
Evolution An Unfounded Faith EVOLUTION: AN UNFOUNDED FAITH Dr. R.L. Wysong states: Evolution requires pleanty of faith: "a faith in L-proteins that defy chance formation; a faith in the formation…
Evolution A house DiViDed EVOLUTION - A HOUSE DI-VI-DED "IF a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" (Mark 3:25. Evolutionists ardently defend their house against outsiders, but…
Embyology EMBRYOLOGY Another area of study and research in which the creation perspective would have sped up the advance of science is embryology. If we start with the basic idea…
Earthquakes In These Last Days No. 198- EARTHQUAKES IN THESE LAST DAYS by Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.* Earthquakes are among the most awesome, and sometimes most terrifying, natural events a…
Dueling Selectively With Darwin Kauffman, Stuart A. "Dueling Selectively With Darwin," Personal Communication, The Scientist, 10 August l987. (Kauffman is a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of…