Creation 5
Creation 5 CREATION #5 stics - environment causes changes. 6.2.5. Charles Darwin - natural selection (survival of the fittest). 6.2.6. Hugo DeVries (1900) - called attention to Mendel's work and…
Creation 5 CREATION #5 stics - environment causes changes. 6.2.5. Charles Darwin - natural selection (survival of the fittest). 6.2.6. Hugo DeVries (1900) - called attention to Mendel's work and…
Creation 4 CREATION #4 4.38 Polar ice caps. There is no widely held mechanism for the formation of ice caps. Antarctica is a desert. The canopy flood theory offers a…
Creation 3 CREATION #3 4.1.11. Mountain tops visible in 74 days (Gen 8.5). 4.1.12. Raven released 40 days later (Gen 8.6-7). 4.1.13. Dove released 7 days later (implied) (Gen 8.10).…
Creation 2 CREATION #2 d life forms were created directly by God. The evolutionist ideas dealing with the creation of the universe (Big Bang, Steady State) do not answer the…
Creation 1 CREATION #1 God's plan or random chance. God's Word explains how the universe and life on earth are a part of God's eternal plan. The only alternative to…
Creating A Missing LinkA Tale No. 123 CREATING A MISSING LINK A Tale About A Whale By Duane T. Gish, Ph.D. Ever since Darwin the fossil record has been an…
Cosmology in Genesis 1 COSMOLOGY IN GENESIS 1 (Note: In citing Hebrew words the Hebrew letters are represented by English capitals, a lower case letter being attached to distinguish certain…
Closing The Gap closing the gap The world's formost evolutionary paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson. In his book, "Tempa and Mode in evolution," states that nowhere in the world is there…
Cleaning Symbiosis Cleaning Symbiosis An amazing relationship found in nature, which ridicules evolutionary thinking, is that of cleaning symbiosis. Fish, for example, roam about feeding on smaller fish and shrimp…
Chance Big Bang Or Creation CHANCE (BIG BANG) OR CREATION? This theoretical discovery has led some cosmologists to say -> SM>that the universe could have been created by a chance…