Adam And The Animals

Adam And The Animals No. 212 - ADAM AND THE ANIMALS by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.* When God created the first man and woman, He told them to exercise "dominion…

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Abuses Of Biology

Abuses Of Biology Abuses of Biology "The realm of nature is so vast," writes Howard L. Kaye (Sociology, Franklin and Marshall College) "and Darwinian fables so easily constructed that virtually…

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A Young Earth

A Young Earth A Young Earth While it cannot be prove scientifically if the earth is very old or young. The scientific evidence still favors Creation over evolution. William Stansfield…

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A Theory In Crisis

A Theory In Crisis A THEORY IN CRISIS (1) The book by Michael Denton, "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, is a secular critique of evolution. It is thoughtful, logical, empirical,…

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A Modern Babel

A Modern Babel This article is brought to you compliments of: HIS BOARD -- (805) 652-1478 Sysop: Bob Harris {CS A MODERN BABEL? CONFUSION IN AMERICA by Ken Ham In…

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