What About Prayer

What About Prayer What about Prayer? . Ever get yourself in those situations that require you to pray for 300 people (or at least you promised you would)? What a…

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Traditions TRADITION Almost every Sunday School class will at one time or another play a little game to show the dangers of gossip. ÿThey will get ÿthe members in a…


Tongues not for today

Tongues not for today TONGUES I. Introduction If ÿsomeone ÿwere ÿto ask you to name the single ÿmost ÿimportant issue ÿfacing ÿEvangelical Christianity, ÿwhat would you ÿanswer? Assuredly there are…

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Tongues By John MacArthur

Tongues By John MacArthur The following message was delivered at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, By John MacArthur Jr. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 90-61, titled…

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Tongues A Balanced Look

Tongues A Balanced Look TONGUES? . There are many people today who insist that speaking in tongues is the definite sign of the baptism of the Spirit. By implication, if…

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Tithing TITHING Tithing is an Old Testament command that was for the Jews and was in reality their "taxation" system. The tithe consisted of the Temple tax, the Land Sabbath…
