Question And Ansers Macarthur
Question And Ansers Macarthur The following message was delivered at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, By John MacArthur Jr.. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 70-9, titled…
Question And Ansers Macarthur The following message was delivered at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, By John MacArthur Jr.. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 70-9, titled…
q13 Did our parents continue 13 Q Did our first parents continue in the state wherein they were created? A Our first parents being left to the freedom of their…
Q9 What is the work of creatio 9 Q What is the work of creation? A The work of creation is God's making all things # Ge 1:1 of nothing,…
Q8 How does God execute His de 8 Q How does God execute his decrees? A God executes his decrees in the works of creation, # Re 4:11 and providence.…
Q82 meaninguntil He com 82 Q What is meant by the words, "until he come," which are used by the apostle Paul in reference to the Lord's Supper? A They…
Q80 What is the Lords supper 80 Q What is the Lord's Supper? A The Lord's Supper is an ordinance of the New Testament, instituted by Jesus Christ; wherein, by…
Q7 What are the decrees of God 7 Q What are the decrees of God? A The decrees of God are his eternal purpose according to the counsel of his…
Q79 What is the duty ofbapt 79 Q What is the duty of such as are rightly baptized? A It is the duty of such as are rightly baptized, to…
Q78 How is baptism rightly adm 78 Q How is baptism rightly administered? A Baptism is rightly administered by immersion, or dipping the whole body of the person in water,…
Q77 Are the infantsto be ba 77 Q Are the infants of such as are professing to be baptised? A The infants of such as are professing believers are not…