One God
One God ONE GOD Author: Jim Fox The following is a list of verses that help to show that Jesus is God! I will list words that are used to…
One God ONE GOD Author: Jim Fox The following is a list of verses that help to show that Jesus is God! I will list words that are used to…
One Body One Life One Body - One Life . I Corinthians 11:28-29: "But let a man examine himself, and in this way eat of the bread and drink of…
Once More On Biblical Numerics ONCE MORE ON "BIBLICAL NUMERICS" The same sort of phenomena that Panin "discovered" in the biblical texts can be found in any writing. It really…
Old Testament Study ScienceS Part 3 Old Testament Study - Science and Scripture We come now to an issue which must be addressed, however briefly: the problem of the relationship…
Old Testament Study GeologyO Part 4 Old Testament Study - Geology and Origins What then of the geological problem? For the most part the controversy centers around questions concerning the…
Part 5 Old Testament Study - Science - Some General Comments We will bring to a close this section on science and the creation with the following comments: To begin,…
Old Testament Study Creation Part 1 Old Testament Study - Creation In the introductory files available on the study board I have taken a brief look at a number of…
Old Testament Study Creat 2 Part 2 Old Testament Study - Creation Defined So what does Genesis teach us about the doctrine of creation? Before we can attempt to answer…
Occupation With Christ Doctrine: Occupation with Christ The concept of occupation with Christ is found in Galatians 2.20, "the life which I now live in the flesh I live by…
Observations On Faith Observations on Faith . We need today to be reminded that the Kingdom of God does not consist of rituals, works or any outward observances of any…