Robert Raikes

Robert Raikes Robert Raikes 1736-1811 Sunday School, the greatest lay movement since Pentecost, was founded by a layman. Robert Raikes was the crusading editor of Gloucester Journal. After becoming frustrated…

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Robert Pierce Shuler

Robert Pierce Shuler Robert Pierce Shuler 1880-1965 Robert Shuler was born August 4, 1880, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. At the age of nine, kneeling…

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Robert Murray McCheyne

Robert Murray McCheyne Robert Murray McCheyne 1813-1843 Robert Murray McCheyne was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 21, 1813. He taught himself the Greek alphabet at the age of four. He…

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Robert Moffat

Robert Moffat Robert Moffat 1795-1883 Missionary to South Africa. Robert Moffat was born in Ormiston, Scotland, of pious but poor parents. The educational advantages afforded him were limited, so, at…

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Robert Greene Lee

Robert Greene Lee Robert Greene Lee 1886-1978 Robert G. Lee began his career on a farm near Fort Mill, South Carolina, where he was born of poor but deeply religious…

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Richard Baxter

Richard Baxter Richard Baxter 1615-1691 English minister. Richard Baxter was born in Rowton, England. His parents were very poor. Therefore, his early education was limited. He later attended school at…

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Reuben Archer Torrey

Reuben Archer Torrey Reuben Archer Torrey 1856-1928 Congregationalist minister. R.A. Torrey was educated at Yale University and Leipzig and Erlangen Universities in Germany. In 1889 he was called to Chicago…

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Quintus Florens Tertullian

Quintus Florens Tertullian Quintus Florens Tertullian 160-220 North African defender of the faith. Tertullian was born of heathen parents in Carthage, Africa. He studied law and lived an exceedingly sinful…

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Polycarp Polycarp 69-155 Polycarp was born in Smyrna and later became bishop there. He was a disciple of the Apostle John and also a friend of Ignatius. He was a…
